Can anyone eat a whole cheeseburger????

on 9/28/04 11:24 pm - NJ
I know we all have free will and your decisions to eat fast food burgers, french fries, breads and au Gratin potatoes ( ) is entirely up to you, but I've got to agree with Debra - I wouldn't go NEAR any of that stuff!!! I also wouldn't attempt to eat anything sugary either. I made a decision when I had this risky surgery, that I was going to stop making unhealthy decisions for myself and hard as it might be, I'm sticking to it. I had this surgery to save my life. I'm not trying to be judgemental at all and I hope this doesn't come off sounding that way, but I want to see everyone succeed and some of the food choices scare me. If it was a one shot deal it would be one thing, but it sounds like it's becoming a practice. I hope you all know that I am saying this because I care. Hugs, Nancy -50 277/227/150
on 9/28/04 11:56 pm - SC
Generally if I *have* to go to a fast food restaurant I get a grilled chicken salad and eat part of the chicken and maybe some of the tomatoes/carrots or some chili or something. I have had to get a burger twice and it was one of the small Krystal Wild West burgers and I could only get 1/2 of the patty (NO bread!) down. I went out last weekend and had 1/2 a patty and about 2T green beans at Cracker Barrel because I didn't want to order a whole meal and my bf was having something I didn't feel comfortable with trying (roast beef). I don't really like the burgers so I try really hard to not get stuck going (in with a group that decides to go or my bf wants that). There is NO way I could eat a whole cheeseburger, nor would I want to try at this point. I have to tell you, the hardest thing for me right now is eating consciously. In a support group a couple of months ago our leader (recovering anorexic) was talking about how she used to think about every single bite that went into her mouth...the calories, how much exercise it would take to work it off, etc...constantly thinking about food. She asked if we felt the same way and everyone kinda looked around at each other. I finally said "I never think about what I'm eating, it's totally an unconscious act for me." It was a revelation to me about how I eat (ate). Eating at my desk, in front of the TV, in the car are all times when your focus is not on food and it makes it easier to overeat, to numb out so we don't "feel" the food...when we've had enough or even how good it is. I'm not telling you anything you don't already know so I'll stop! I guess I'm learning that I just have to continually think about making the next right choice until it's habit. Very very best wishes to you on your journey! MM
Lisa H.
on 9/29/04 2:36 am - Lake City, FL
Thanks to everyone for their reply. Believe it or not, I don't feel quite so guilty about it now. I'm like you Pam N. I "try" to eat very healthy foods but sometimes I just have a taste for something else and I know I'm not going to go the rest of my life without having things that I want. I don't make a habit out of going to McDonalds, I posted that I've only done this about 3 times. I've lost almost 50lbs. so I feel like I'm on track with the weightloss, I was just wondering about the amount of food. I also agree with Pam N. in that some days I can eat more than others. I love the way this surgery has helped me in that I can eat pretty much what I want but very little of it and when I ate almost a whole cheeseburger it freaked me out a little. My mistake was eating it in the car and I know that now. Again thanks to everyone. LIsa
on 9/29/04 3:36 am - Sparks, NV
I haven't tried it but I doubt I could. Bread of any kind goes down so hard for me and I have a problem with food sticking, so I don't even try it with bread. Also I get sick on greasy food and mcdonalds burgers are so greasy, the thought makes me nauseated now. Generally I can eat about 2oz at a time and thats it. Is my new pic up yet? I think it is... we'll see.
Dj _.
on 9/29/04 4:28 am - Eden Prairie, MN
Hi Lisa, This was an interesting topic. I can only eat very small meals. When eating chicken or pork or steak, I eat about 1/4 cup, if that...I sometimes have a few bites of potato or vegetable, but mostly just the protein, because it is such a small amount. I tried ground beef once, but it didn't sit well, and I haven't tried again. I try a bite of roll, or bread at different times (I used to so love bread), but each time, it feels funny in my pouch, and doesn't taste all that good after being chewed to mush in my mouth first. I guess that's a question I have for those of you that are enjoying different foods. When you ate that burger, do you take tiny bites? I mean, I still take such small" x 1/4" of chicken. I think that's why I'm not able to eat ground beef yet...when I did, I kept having to spit out the bits of gristle that I would find while chewing. As far as whether or not you should be eating a's your life and I'm not here to judge. Life throws us hurdles, and we have to jump around them however we can. I usually bring meat from last nights dinner, for lunch. Today though, I got off late. I'm eating a meal from KFC right now. I ordered the roasted chicken. But I took one bite, and didn't like the I'll be giving that to hubby later. The green beans are good though. I do want to share something with you that the internal medicine doctor shared with me. He told me that now is the time to try to stay on track as much as possible with the guidelines they've outlined. He told me that right now, while hunger isn't really an issue, and our pouchs are so finicky (mine anyway), to try to form habits that will help later. Around 6 months, he said, we do start feeling hunger, and our pouchs are healed and allowing us to eat more foods, and larger amounts. He said just because we CAN...doesn't mean we should. He suggested measuring foods always. That was his take on all this. I don't always want to be focused on food...but I do want to make sure I'm eating healthy, but also living a normal life. It's going to be a balancing act, and I'm trying hard to make it happen. I feel so good, and don't have much in the way of cravings...for now anyway. Good luck to everyone. I know that I feel great, getting this weight off...I'm sure it's the same for all of you! Deb
C J.
on 9/29/04 4:47 am - Port Hueneme, CA
Somebody on one of the other boards posted last night about eating mindfully...payiny attention to what we eat and how we eat and when and where we eat...I think it makes sense. Sitting down and eating while we concentrate on what we eat is a more mindful way of eating then eating while driving...too easy to over eat because we are not being mindful. Interesting point to think about. And ladies we all know our comments here are made with love...and concern for we each are doing.....and for all of our success! CJ
us2bfat C.
on 9/29/04 5:42 am - selden, NY
i love when people have surgery they now turn into weight loss professionals its amazing to me this site is supposed to be a support not a bashing session. i have kids and sometimes its just easier to go into burger king or mcdonalds or taco bell having 3 or 4 frys or a burger will not kill anyone i dont think anyone here should bash anyone asking questions no one here is a professional i have eaten fast food in the last 2 months and still i have lost 55 lbs everyone is different Stacy 232/177/132
Ann M.
on 9/29/04 6:52 am - Norwich, CT
This is a Weight Loss Surgery SUPPORT group. An important part of supporting ourselves through this process is reminding ourselves of what the keys to sucess are. Those *****mind should be considered as SUPPORTERS....not as the enemy. We are at a very critical phase in our "recovery" from being addicted to food. We need to listen to those who have been sucessful at this. Their wisdom, gained from painful experience, is that, at this point in our recovery, we should be avoiding fast food, eating small portions, protein first, small bites, chew thoroughly etc. I joined this group to learn from everyone so I can be sucessful. If I screw up, I hope to get a collective boot in the ass from everyone to help me get back on track. My 2 cents
on 9/29/04 11:42 am - NJ
Stacy - where is the bashing???? Just because someone may disagree with someone else, it's not bashing. In fact, the only thing close to bashing I see is in your post. I certainly don't consider myself a professional, but I did research the surgery very well and I was trying to share my views with other people who are at the same stage as myself. I understand that there may be other views. If you want to go to McDonalds and Burger King and Taco Bell, that's certainly your decision. I wish you wonderful success with your WLS as I do everyone on this board. Hugs, Nancy -50
Lisa H.
on 9/30/04 12:04 am - Lake City, FL
I didn't mean to cause an argument...just needed some info. on what other people are able and not able to eat. Thanks to everyone for their responses. Everyone is different and I try to take little pieces of information from everyone. Lisa
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