(deactivated member)
on 9/28/04 7:24 am - 'Burbs of St. Louis, MO
I posted this on the main board and my Missouri board...thought I'd post here in case no one makes it to either of those boards... If you haven't already seen the movie in theaters, I highly recommend renting the film, "Super-Size Me." It was released today. For those of you not familiar with the flick, it is a documentary about an extremely healthy man who vows to eat only McDonald's three meals a day. During his journey, he also visits schools around the country and talks with health professionals and healthy food advocates. The most disturbing part of the film wasn't the fact that the guy was shoving double-quarter pounders down his throat, slurping 42oz Cokes, and downing 8oz of french fries. Disgusting, yes...but not as upsetting as the public education system. What worries me most is how the schools look at their food programs. They keep soda machines in the hallways because the school can earn money that way. A lunch program, served up by the USDA, can contain as many as 1196 calories per meal. Physical education in schools is no longer required except in Illinois. And NO ONE at the schools monitor what the children choose for their lunch...some of them are choosing candy bars, french fries, and Little Debbie snacks as their food supply. ANYWAY...I have a daughter who just started kindergarten. I can already tell that unless I do something to change her eating patterns now, she will wind up in the same boat as me. She is not "fat" by any standards, but her BMI (from a child's chart) puts her in the "risk of overweight" category. It is definitely time for us all to take a stand and strong-arm the government into changing the rules for fast food and school lunches. Now, if only someone could tell me how to do it...
C J.
on 9/28/04 5:01 pm - Port Hueneme, CA
Hi Pamela...I agree, it's disgusting what is served to our kids at school. All you can do is go to the school board and ask them to remove the junk food from the machines and repalce the junk with healthy alternatives. But expect a fight! You can also try writing to your state reps and senators about making PE mandatory and making school lunches healthier! If they don't hear from us, they won't change anything. I remember back when my now 14 year old daughter was in kindergarten, the fattest girl in class told my skinny daughter that she was too fat and needed to be on a my daughter quit eating! And lost weight she didn't need to lose. The body image problems start so early...what a tough battle. The only way I could see to hopefully come out ahead was to pack my DDs lunch so that I know she has healthy options....of course there is no guarentee she will eat it.... CJ
on 9/29/04 5:51 am - NM
I am not one that wants a lot of government control. (BTW, I am not a nut either in case you were wondering, gov't does have its place) And, as I have seen this topic on the news, I have formed a lot of opinions on the subject. But, it is almost nap time. I have three kids in the school system and another that will join them in a year. I think that the place to begin is at home. By the time the kids enter the school system, they have been taught about food by their parents. OK so K is still young. And, the temptation is great. But, if the parents don't like what is being served, they should send a lunch with their child. That would solve the problem immediately. I know people that let their kids get school meals on special days, but send lunches other days to make sure the kids are eating healthy. What I do think is that there should at least be an option for healthy meals. Our school has a veggie bar where the kids can pick veggies and a fruit. They also have a choice of regular or chocolate FF milk. The main meal is lacking though. Yesterday they had a choice between soft tacos, pizza or hotdogs. The pizza and hotdogs are regulars. As for the soda machines, I don't see the harm. But, it would be nice to see as many bottle water or juice options as there are soda option. Maybe one machine for each at every location that there is a soda machine. Maybe they could even raise the price for soda to make the other options more appealing. Soda isn't a lunch option for our kids. It is an after school option. And, most kids don't have money for it. I think that instead of making the gov't responcible for our children's (at least the older ones) poor choices, we, as parents, should think about what we have taught them about nutrition and responcible for their own choices. As for the PE subject, that one burns me. This is the first time that any of my kids is actually doing anything in PE. Before they sat around learning how to play a game but not actually getting to do it. Last year it was so bad that the kids only got PE one every other week. Thankfully this year they are getting PE much more often and they are challenging the kids. I saw one of my sons' class running laps the other day. Good, they need to move for so many reasons. I agree that PE should be required in schools. Hat
on 9/30/04 6:08 am - Lancaster, PA
I have 2 girls, one in kindergarten, and one in 8th grade. Both of my daughters are overweight based on the national growth curves, however, neither takes after me. They take after my husband in body build and type and he is normal weight now as an adult. As a child I was skinnier than most and taller than most, totally opposite my girls. I have to admit, in high school, I ate a candy bar and had a soda for lunch most days before I could drive and go out for fast food at lunch. The school lunches back then, were not what they are now. (Alot of FRIED FOOD!) I cringe when I see the food menus for school! My older daughter is fortunatley at an age where she can choose a number of options and most days opts for soup and salad. My younger daughter does not eat lunch at school yet. The sad part is neither of them is FAT. Both play Soccer 3 days a week or more, and one does karate, both go to the gym with me. We have a family membership. I worry all the time about everything they put in their mouths bc I do not want them to go through what I have. Fortunately, they both can already tell you what fat and carbs are and what foods are good and bad for them. However, bc my older daughter is stalky she has been bypassed for school sports teams already and I worry about the impact it has had on her self esteem. ARRGGGHHH But school lunches are not healthy! Kristy
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