Ketosis, protein, & being cold!

on 9/26/04 12:22 pm - Maricopa, AZ
Lately I have REALLY been upping my protein in an attempt to give my weight loss a little kick into high gear (and to launch myself off this plateau I've been on). I am getting in close to 80g of protein a day now- which is a lot more than I was doing before. Plus I am trying to stay under 25g of carbs a day. I have noticed that I am now in moderate ketosis most of the day (I use the ketosticks to check it) and that I have a really weird sweet taste in my mouth all of the time, and a thin layer of sweet film on my lips at times. I've done Atkins before and so I know about ketosis and have been in it before- but I never experienced a SWEET taste in my mouth, it was always just really raunchy breath. Also, since I upped my protein (in fact I am eating mainly protein and very low-carb) I noticed that I am FREEZING all the time now. Do you think that being in ketosis could make body temp drop? Is it because your body is burning fat? I live in freakin' Arizona and I'm walking around with a sweater on! ;) heh. Angela 229/199/140
Cathy C.
on 9/26/04 12:51 pm - Chicago, IL
Hi Angela, Yes, you're in ketosis alright. Now the only thing I would suggest you change is to drink more fluids. I know that my diet is much like yours. I have been on Atkins Induction for 3 years because of the abiility of keeping my diabetes normalized without medication that way. This is under medical supervision of course. I know that if I keep up the fluids, minimum of 64 ozs a day, I don't have the acetone breath you describe and in fact my ketosticks don't register because the urine is so dilute. My doctor and surgeon agree it's because of my dilute urine. My energy level is high and I know I'm in ketosis without the side effects. Biggest clue has always been high energy level and lack of hunger but now with the RNY that is gone anyway About your body temperature. I'd sure check with your surgeon to be sure you're supplements are not out of whack. I just had my 8 week (and first since surgery) labs done and was surprised to find that I'm low in Potassium (too much liquids and too much urination) but was surprised that I was also a tad low in iron. I'm postmenopausal so don't get that at all. My surgeon has me on additional supplements now and will retest my nutrient labs in one month to see if we have corrected the deficiencies. Have you had your nutrient labs since surgery? They might hold a clue to the problem. I see you're half my age and you might be having temperature fluctuations because of the estrogen being squeezed out of your fat cells (no offense) as you lose weight rapidly at first. Of course I would have thought that would have given you some hot flashes not cold ones. I suggest you talk to your pcp and gynecologist (because of the hormones) and of course your surgeon about the freezing. Arizona with a sweater in the summer just doesn't sound right to me. Get it checked out soon. You had surgery 2 days after mine so I can identify with the timing of your post-op condition. Keep us posted. Cathy Open RNY 7/26/04 302/254/145
on 9/26/04 1:42 pm - Maricopa, AZ
Cathy: Thanks for your response. I will definitely start drinking even more liquids. The sweet taste isn't horrible- it just really bugs me. Also, I have had my labs checked and I too have low potassium. For a while there it was dangerously low. My surgeon said I was real close to having to go into the ER to get potassium intravenously. But he prescribed some powder supplements (that tasted incredibly sour) and my levels have since gone up. I have been anemic in the past so maybe it is my iron like you said. I need to f/u with my gyno as well. By the way- you are down 50lbs. at roughly 8 weeks?!?! That is AWESOME!!! Angela Lap RNY 07/28/04 229/199/130
on 9/26/04 10:08 pm - Oxnard, CA
HI there, I dont know much about ketosis, but I know when I get all my protein in, my weight loss does pick up!!! I'm like you and I'm cold all the time. My turn the ac off and my family says mom put a sweater on. LOL I have talked to many wls patients and they all claim to be cold!!
C J.
on 9/26/04 1:37 pm - Port Hueneme, CA
You sound pretty normal to me! The ruity breathe is a sign of ketosis. I'm also cold most of the time..I think it's because of the weight loss. But it wouldn't hurt to get your labs checked...I'm planning on getting my done in 2 weeks at my 3 month check up. CJ
on 9/26/04 10:53 pm - GA
Angela, Like you I always cold. Before my surgery I was always warm natured. Now, I am only comfortable in flannel and sweat pants! I carry a blanket throughout the house and am now wearing my hubby's hunting socks! Of course, I am married to Mr. Freeze who insists on keeping the house at a cool 67 to 69 degrees! Burrrrrr! Like Michelle, I like to turn the AC off (or down) when everyone leaves the house for the day, but the impact is greater here in Georgia than in Missouri! I turn it back on (or up) about an hour before everyone is due home. Otherwise, I spend a lot of time on the deck basking in the sun! From a lot of posts I've read, it is pretty normal to be chilly. Patti
on 9/27/04 2:27 am - NJ
Angela, I am also trying to up my protein and cut my carbs. I find in order to do this I really have to rely on protein drinks such as Isopure 0 carb powder mixed with Carb Countdown yogurt smoothies, Unjury unflavored mixed in with my water/lemondade. I just can't get down enough food to significantly up my protein by eating. What sort of things do you eat? Do you worry about fat or just carbs? Hugs, Nancy -48
on 9/27/04 3:37 am - Maricopa, AZ
Hi Nancy: I do a lot of protein drinks as well. I use the Myoplex Carb Sense Powder in chocolate cream. It has 30 grams of protein in one 16oz. serving. But sometimes when I don't have time to break out the blender, or I'm on the run I get those Advant Edge Carb Control Ready-to-Drink shakes. They only have 15 grams of protein in 1 serving so I have to drink 2 of them to equal one of the Myoplex shakes. But they are very low in calories (only 100 per serving) and really low in fat too. I actually try to concentrate on keeping the carbs AND the fats low. But sometimes- with certain proteins you can't help but get some fats. So I don't stress over the fats as much as the carbs. Plus, I hear we don't absorb fats as well with our new insides So of I go a little over on fat for the day I don't get too worried. The other things I eat are tuna (w/light mayo), Atkins Crunchers soy chips, cheese, carb countdown yogurts, beef jerky, protein bars (I get the Advant Edge bars). Really moist chicken is okay if I chew the heck out of it. Before I was eating a lot of cashews & almonds and then I realized (by checking that they have way too many carbs in them for my liking. So I stopped that and the weight loss has started up again. I really think getting at least 70-80 grams of protein in every day is the key. I seem to be losing almost a pound a day since I started doing this a few days ago. *crosses fingers* I hope I don't jinx myself by saying that! ;)
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