Eating too much????

on 9/24/04 12:18 am - Vancouver, WA
HI Ya'all....... I am wondering if I could be eating too much? Seems like the rest of you eat like birds..... no offense! But I can have a protein drink (8oz) or Protein bar in the AM, and have a cup of decaf. Then for lunch I can have a 5 piece Burger King chicken nuggets, and then for dinner, I had a small potatoe and about 4 tablespoons of corns and a half of a porkchop. For an evening snack I had 5 crackers with a tiny bit of peanut butter on them. That was all yesterday. Then this morning I made myself a breakfast burrito with one slice of FAT FREE cheese and 2 small eggs in a low carb (small) tortilla. And I am able to eat most of it. My family and everyone are questioning me, "How can I eat all this?", I feel weird but I can......! I thought I would only be able to eat a few tablespoons here and there? I know I cannot eat like I used too, but should I be concerned? I have been a SLOW looser but everyone say's that's because I am a lightweight....blah-blah-balh-! Anyone have an opinion, I would like to hear it.....! Also, can I be stretching out my stomach pounch this early on? Hugs, Nadine
Heather M.
on 9/24/04 12:33 am - Kirtland AFB, NM
Nadine - I wouldn't worry about it. As long as you're losing and not gaining I think you're fine. Some days I only eat like a bird and some I eat like a cow. The main thing to remember is exercise. It's just common math. We are eating less then we were and with our new lifestyle we can't help but lose. Everyone gets so caught up (including myself) about wanting to lose all of our weight really really fast. It's nice, it's exciting but remember this is suppose to take 2 years to reach goal. Now I know it won't take that long for some of us but to help keep it in perspective and to help us not get dissapointed when we don't lose weight or don't do it fast enough "compared to everyone else" we need to think 2 years. You're stomach is suppose to stretch out some. It is physically impossible to stretch your pouch out to the same size your stomach was before. Keep your chin up and you will be fine. Heather
(deactivated member)
on 9/24/04 12:51 am - 'Burbs of St. Louis, MO
I'm with Heather on this one! There are some days when I force myself to eat because I need to get the protein in, and there are other days when I feel like a bottomless pit. I don't NORMALLY graze, but yesterday I ate constantly, and was surprised to discover that I ate more than 1 cup of chili for lunch, and probably a cup of a chicken fajita/pepper-onion mixture for dinner. Honestly, I don't think what you are eating sounds too much. If you were eating too much, you'd want to puke (been there, done that!). If you are truly concerned that you are eating too much, evaluate EXACTLY how much you are taking in, and the cir****tances surrounding your meal. When was the last time you drank something? Was it during your meal? How soon after eating did you drink? Was the amount of food you had more than 1/2 cup? If so, was there a lot of liquid in the food? I have trouble not drinking with my dinner. Breakfast and lunch are no problem, but I drink with dinner, and I have found that I can eat a bit more then. However, I log everything I eat into, so that helps keep me from making horrible food choices all the time or going over my calorie limit of 1000. As for stretching out your pouch...yes, you ARE stretching it! But you're only stretching it because that is what a stomach is SUPPOSED to do. If it didn't stretch out, you'd waste away to nothingness. It should never be the size of a "normal" stomach again, but it won't stay tiny forever, even this early post-op.
on 9/24/04 1:41 am - NJ
I log every morsel that I put into my mouth into It is sometimes a pain, but I like always knowing where I'm at and it also lets me know what kind of foods I'm eating. Maybe you're getting too many carbs and not enough protein - the potato, corn, crackers and nuggets are pretty high in carbs - maybe it would have been better to eat the whole porkchop and half the potato, or 3 crackers and more peanut butter. We're surgery day twins (!) and I could never eat that much...not that I wouldn't like to - my pouch lets me know in no uncertain terms that it's FULL! Last night I got a chicken and bean burrito from Taco Bell, and had them leave off the rice. I just figured I'd eat the insides and leave the tortilla, but I ate about 2 pieces of chicken and a bit of the cheese and beans and that was it for me. Sometimes it's very frustrating that I can't eat more. I think we all have to find our way, and if you are losing at a good rate, then I'd stick with what you're doing. Hugs, Nancy -47
on 9/24/04 3:45 am - Vancouver, WA
Hi Nancy, I just wanted to say that I normally don't eat all carbs......! I actually eat almost everything Low Carb/Sugar Free/Fat Free. That was a night out at my parents house for dinner. Anyhow, I don't have time to log, but when my life slows down a bit and I start the gym next month I will have to start that. Also, that's great that "YOU" feel full and you can't eat alot. But believe me there are other's out there like me that don't dump on sugar, have no intolerences to anything, never had a complication, and feel like they never had surgery!!!! So, I guess I feel somewhat lucky in that area. I do wish I felt fuller then I wouldn't eat as much. Congrats on your loss.....I am not sure where you started at, but I do know I am on schedule for most people my height & starting weight. Am told the higher starting # the more you'll loose. I have had NO complications, other then loosing weight slower then most. As long as I keep loosing I'll be happy. Best of luck to you! Thanks, Nadine
on 9/24/04 2:09 am
Hi Nadine, When I went for my six week check up to see the surgeon and dietation I was advanced to the stage 3 diet where I could start to eat raw veggies, etc. The dietation explained that we would be able to eat more food than before, she also stated that we would probably start to eat 3 meals a day and some days a snack. When you first started you were only able to eat so little because your insides were healing and swollen. All in all I wouldn't worry about it, but keep a journal of your food and if your weightloss becomes too slow or halts you'll have a record and you and your dietation or surgeon can pin point what's going on. Good Luck
on 9/24/04 3:24 am - Lancaster, PA
I have my days too, most days I either don't feel like eating at all and hardly eat except for protein things. Other days I am more hungry, but get very little in. I wonder how I can survive on a few bites. I think I forget about the surgury sometimes and eat too big of bites, the big bites make me feel crappy so I just quit eating. I would not worry too much, but I would watch the fried stuff. I wish we could get grilled boneless skinless nuggets or strips. lately I have been getting Wendy's grilled chicken sandwich with no sauce and since I can't have the raw veggies yet or the bread I just break up the breast and dip it in BBQ sauce. Some days I can eat the whole breast. Others I can only get half down. I rely on the 32 oz unsweetened ice teas there to get me half my liquid for the day. With lemon and sweet and low it feels like normal. Kristy 306/256/165
on 9/25/04 12:19 am - NORTH HAVEN, CT
RNY on 07/02/04 with
Doesn't sound like alot.. I go through days like that too. I agree with Nancy you should log in a journal---at least for a few days to see if you are getting in enough protein. I use really keeps me on track. Watch the carbs..and exercise.. is my best advice. You look fabulous..btw. Joanie
on 9/25/04 2:40 pm - Vancouver, WA
Thank Nancy, I hopefully can start logging what I eat soon. And start counting calories and carbs. I really was hoping after surgery you didn't have to do all this, but maybe just for awhile until you get to know your body better. Anyhow, thanks everyone....! Nadine
dana W.
on 9/25/04 8:54 pm - fort worth, tx
I know what u mean,,, i think on some days i'm really hungry and some days my mind just wants food bcz it remembers the way i use to eat.. So what i do is eat something healthy,,,if u were really that hungry u still will be for the food regardless of which kind. R better yet,, drink some fluids...protein or water ,, r u getting in what u're suppose and r u exercising? If u're not that cld be why u're losing slow,,,and another thing,,losing slow can also be good,((((I know,,,I know))) how can i say that,, well i'm a slow loser too,, i had my life chng on july 29th i've lost 39 lbs as of this morning.. But u know what i also have time to tighten up area's that shld have already been worked i look at it like this...while i'm waitng to lose,, i'll firm up what i have,,, here an example,, on thurs and sunday i have dance class,, i'm learning to swing out. mon, tues and fri i go to the gym on my way to work.. wed and sat,, i do stuff on my own,, like where weights on my arms for 4-5 hrs...that day everything i do i have the weight on my wrist even if its typing,, try it and see what diff.. its make,, anyway i cld go on and on,,,abt what i'm doing,, but lets just say i dont eat right everyday,, i have and still do eat junk with no problems most of the time.. but on most days i try to get in either my protein or my water .. good luck baby and dont be so hard on yourself,,, just try to figure out why u ate it.. and were u really hungry.. and one more thing just bcz we cant eat 5 nugg,, lets it 3,,the other 2 taste just like the 1st three.. all my best dana
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