Are ya'll exercising??

Cathy I.
on 9/6/04 3:34 am - Shelby Township, MI
Hi Anne, I wasn't going to exercise either. After talking with a distant relative who had the surgery about 3 years ago, I decided to heed her advice to really put all of your effort into it for the first 18 months. She wishes she had. She is convinced that if she would have exercised, made better food choices, etc. that she would have lost more than the 120lbs. she did. The next day I started on the treadmill. Then I found the Walkawaythepounds video. I put the tape in the VCR and did not expect to finish the 1 mile walk. Well in a matter of what seemed like only a minute or two, the screen started flashing "you have walked 1/2 mile". I was so excited that I continued and in just another couple of minutes had completed a mile and done some stretching and toning exercises. In a matter of only 2 weeks I am now doing 3 miles. I don't think I feel any better, I don't think it has accelerated my weight loss, but I think the benefits will manifest themselves later on. Cathy I
on 9/6/04 5:10 am - SC
I started exercising in earnest the last coupla weeks under threat from a friend who had surgery in November and has lost 150ish pounds...figured he was a pretty good advisor... I was intermittently doing a mile here or there (about 3x a week****il then. Then a couple of nights ago I went to bed and actually couldn't sleep because I was so excited to go walk the next morning. I'm considering therapy. I'm so bummed because I didn't have my good shoes yesterday when I walked and I got a humongous blister on the back of one heel so I can't walk today. I'll probably do the walk away the pounds video this after noon just to make myself feel better. I HATE exercise...or have up till recently...don't like to sweat or be out of breath...all girly girl who would much rather wear high heels and lipstick. Just got a pair of walking shoes and I keep falling down because I don't know how to walk in them because all I have worn for the last 10-15 years are 3-4 inch heels!!! Please please consider exercising, the weight won't melt off forever and we really need to build muscle mass in order to burn fat and build lean, strong bodies instead of floppy weak ones! Congrats on the great loss so far! M 251/222/130
Tracey L.
on 9/9/04 6:02 am - Concord, CA
Hey Minnie, I read your post on exercising and you are a woman after my own heart, we are kindred spirits. I too am the girly girl, nails, hair, makeup, heels etc. inspite of BBW status, nothing like feeling pretty. I too, have not started exercising and know that I need to. I've never had regular exercise habits in my 41 yrs of living. Your words inspired me. I'm going to get started this weekend in the pool and then try some walking. I know it's a total mental block, I hate getting sweaty and my hair going straight, face running, huffing and puffing. There are so many excuses to avoid the inevitable. I'm going to put the hair in a pony tail, take of the face and jewelry and put on the danskin capri's that finally fit and get out and make tracks. Thanks for sharing....Tracey Love in California
on 9/11/04 12:47 am - SC
I knew there was another one like me out there! I've never ever exercised regularly because every time I would try I would start sweating and...well...that was just it. I thought it would be horrible and the first time or two it was but I just kept doing it and it really kinda grew on me. You go girl! You don't have to do it all the first time, just move and then do a little more the next time! I'm finally up to 2 miles a day and it feels great! Joined Curves last night and I just cannot wait to go! I still hate my makeup running and my hair deflating but the exercise high is worth it! A little sacrifice for great rewards! M
on 9/6/04 11:01 am - TX
Anne, my friend, I've got two words for you...CARNIE WILSON! Have you seen her lately? HUGE! It looks like she's gained back at least 1/2 of what she lost. It is a heart breaker--she was such an inspiration to so many morbidly obese people. I say this only because Carnie was recently interviewed, and admitted that if you don't exercise and continue to eat properly after the first year to year and a half, the weight will come back. YIKES! Now we can do just about anything except suck down milk shakes all day and lose weight...but, when the honeymoon is over, we will have to do things right, or the weight will come back. I find it's best to instill those positive habits now, so it will be so much easier when we go from the losing phase to the maintenance phase. I think we'd all agree, losing the weight is much easier than maintaining the loss, even before WLS. It is true with this tool. I know how hard we've all worked and the struggles and sacrifices made going through with WLS. If we're putting ourselves through this, we need to make darn sure it's worth it! To answer your question, I try to walk every other night, 3 miles in 1 hour. I definitely have more energy when I do, and the weight loss is quicker! I'm also going to join a gym eventually to start working on my upper body...I don't wanna look like a sack of potatos! You've had great weight loss so far! Just make sure that if you see it slowing, exercise may be the very thing you need to get it going again! Good luc****ep smiling and keep the faith! -Jeff RNY 7/7/4 338/277/188 40.7% to goal
on 9/7/04 4:06 am - Lancaster, PA
I am in the gym about 2 - 3 days a week on the eliptical for about 25 minutes (about 1 mile plus) and 2 curcuits on the weights. I would like to do more, but it is hard to find the time. I do start fall soccer again this coming Sunday. I am excited to see how almost 40 lbs makes a difference in my ability to run up and down the soccer field. Hoping my time in the gym helps with that. I have noticed my arms are a bit tighter and my tummy and such. Skins seems to be shrinking. As I get smaller I will likely increase the workouts. But I feel great. I did do 33 mins and 3 plus miles the other day on the elipitical, thanks to double overtime in the US Womens Soccer Gold Medal match. I finished my 10 as they started the 2nd over time and I did not want to get off my machine and lose my channel, so I set for another 10, at that time the team had scored and was waiting for time to run out, so I sent for another 10, I ended up doing 33 mins. I would like to be able to spend more time working out than I do, and honestly.... my youngest takes karate 2 days a week at the gym, and that when I get my time in, and sometimes other days of the week too. I would like to hopefully not have to have a tummy tuck, so I really am trying to get mt gym time in to firm the muscles and the skin. Kristy 306/268/165
dana W.
on 9/8/04 8:12 pm - fort worth, tx
WELL HERE GOES NOTHING,,i know if u've lost 40lbs u have some loose skin,, what i notice for me is i have only lost 30lbs since 7/29 but when my boo measured me on 8/29th my thighs were 4 inches bigger and now i havent lost anymore weight but i'm firmer up..which i think is great so i wont have to have much plastic surgery if any.. ann if u know you've been big a looooong time..u know we need more movement than just at school.. and sometimes walking just isnt enough.. ok its a wonderful start... so please do..even when u're at your desk do little running in your chair, just raising your feet up and down and feel the muscle in your frnt thighs..... get some arms weights frm wal-mart,, 10.00 they fit on your wrists or on your hand,,the stick.. even added weight will mk u firmer.. dont wait to late bcz once more come off it wont look so good,, think abt it.. u're smaller and look wonderful in clothes,, god hope no one wants to see u naked ((((smile)))once the clothes come off there's no more hiding... and even if there isnt someone in your life right now.. what abt meeting someone and he thinks you look great ,,, but then to touch u and feel mushy instead of a nice body Y---U---C--K to soft,, women r soft,, not flabby.. HOPE THAT WAKES U UP DANA
Ann M.
on 9/9/04 11:06 pm - Norwich, CT
From all my research-reading and talking to people who have had this surgery, the keys to long term success are: 1. Get at least 64 oz of fluids (non-caffeineted, non sugar) in daily. 2. Consume your protein first 3. Exercise, exercise, exercise 4. Measure your portions 5. Participate in regular support group meetings I vowed that I would do all of the above-or why did I ever subject myself to the surgery in the first place? The fluids are the hardest thing. I am conscientious about not drinking before meals and waiting as long as I can after meals...however, then I forget to drink! When I'm doing all of the above, the pounds melt off. I have lost 48lbs since July 6th, more than I ever lost on ANY of my many diets in the past. I get up in the morning and take my dog for a walk. She is now my motivator-jumping on me, whining and scratching at me to get my ass out of bed and walk! You just have to make yourself DO IT to start...then it becomes something you really WANT to do. My body is already craving the exercise...which gets me up and out in the morning. We can now walk an hour without getting tired...prior to surgery I couldn't walk five minutes without wanting to sit down. I started out slowly-five minute walks, then ten minutes, etc. If you walk regularly before you go to work, the walking you do at work will only enhance your exercise regimen! Ann 314/266/150
Marjoe W.
on 9/11/04 4:40 am - Medford, OR
I'm with you Anne, I hate to excercise and if left on my own I probably wouldn't do much of anything. I have a husband who should have been a drill sargent in the army! He is after me constantly, let's walk, let's go faster! He makes sure that I go at least once a day and most times twice. I have noticed that the skin is starting to sag and that has me I started back to Curves this week and my neighbor has a treadmill I've been eyeing.....reading all these posts has gotten to to thinking of lifting some weights, too. I have dieted so many times that I don't think my skin has too much resilience any more so I'd better help it out the best I can. I guess when you see the skin sag that will be your incentive.
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