slave to the scale
I HATE scales...they make me crazy. I promised myself before the surgery that I would find some other way by which to measure my
success. I measured inches- I am paying attention to how clothes
fit and how much better I am moving around. But still...that darned
scale does it to me every time. I am obsessed with it.
I got rid of the scale in my house cuz I would jump on it before I peed
afterward...back and know the drill...poised like Nadia
Comeniche to get just the right balance..
(' hey.....a pound is still a pound). Well it started making me nuts
since I was weighing myself every time I went to the bathroom
So then I decided I would just wait until I went to the DR. I go to
my PCP every week for iron shots- so this week I weighed in
after 2 weeks time and I had you hear me GAINED
2 pounds. I am out of my mind frustrated about it. I have been
on the program- following all the rules, and now this. I have rationalized
everything imaginable- and heard every platitude imaginable...but it is
still making me nuts. That and the fact that I am probably the fattest
one on the site with the most to lose = losing it way too slowly- only
down about 24lbs in 6 weeks. It makes feel frustrated and cheated
and like I want to give up. But I know I can't I can't overeat or
eat crap cuz I'll get sick.. So..whats a girl to do. Tomorrow I see the bariatric doctor- I hate to see what that scale says... wish me luck
Marcy, It is so hard to break from those scales! I haven't ben able to do it yet but I did go buy some digital scales so I couldn't cheat by balancing on one toe . I just can't break from it but I did start keeping a log. I write down how much I weigh at the same time each morning after I go to the bathroom, naked, (shave the hair off my legs, no jewelry, on the exhale--no just kidding). But I try to weigh under the same conditions. If I go up I just cuss, write it down and when I look at my log I realize how yes i go up but then I dip down. Up-- down-- but it still keeps eventually going down. It helps me see the big picture--not just one day at a time. Try putting it in graph form. It's my way of coping with my obession with the scales. If that doesn't work--I go try on clothes I haven't worn in awhile and rejoice that they fit. I'm trying to find joy in other ways other than those darn numbers!
Good luck,
Hey, I was SO hacked off this mornign because I'm constipated...I about blew a vein trying because I knew if I just got that out I'd drop another pound or two! What a goof I am!
I just bought a good scale that weighs and measures body fat percentage. So guess what I did this morning? Yep. Weighed on BOTH scales.
Hi, my name is Minnie and I'm an addict.
Oh, geez.
I use a log and weigh myself 2 times a week, Sunday and Thursday mornings (thursday's are the anniversaries). I look at the scale every morning, but I do my best to keep on walking. I do, however, find myself "wishing" it was a "weigh day". I too am a slow loser.. not that I am complaining I am 8 weeks out today and have lost 38 lbs. Keep your chin up! Your doing fine, stick to your eating schedule and get out and walk!
I recently bought the digi scale from sharper was half off! I love it. I weigh myself everymorning without clothes. Of course, recently, I have been going through a losing cycle, I am sure soon I will have a little plateau for a while. Then I may stop with the obsessive weigh-ins! I am about to reach my first interim goal of going below 200. This morning I weighed exactly 200.0. I am hoping that tomorrow I will at least weigh 199.9. Then I think I will go back to the once a week weigh-ins. Or maybe I will try every other day to ween myself. As you can tell, I put entirely too much thought into this!!
I forgot to take measurements before the surgery, so I haven't got that to count. I do try on different clothes daily and if it is too big I have a special pile that, thankfully, is growing bigger. For now I must continue to count pounds!
238/200.0/128 (it used to be 130, but at my check up today my doc told me my goal was 128, oops!)
good luck friend
and believe it or not i'm the say way,, i weigh and found out i only lost 30 and 30 days,, hell weren't we doing that b4 we had surgery.
i felt by now i wld have lost 40 without trying,, i cant eat anything that means anything to me u know?
but i found out i'm not exercising even walking i hadnt started yet so that maybe it,, along with the fact that i'm eating regualr food,, and not soft foods,, so that may be it,, but hell,, were only eating 2 bites..
girl i wld just die to get on the scale and it has gone up instead of down..
but get more advice on what u're eating ,, drinking and what abt proteins r u doing them ,, and water is important ,, drink, drink and drink.