I'm Concerned..
That maybe my pouch can handle more than it should and that I may not loose any more weight. I could just be a mental thing. I have started to eat about 4 small meals a day. They dont consist of alot, but the fact that I really dont feel stuffed or full concerns me and that maybe I can eat more than I should. Yesterday my family went out to dinner and I had the following:
About 3 Tbs of Mac and cheese
about 3 Tbs of nacho ground beef with melted cheese
2spoonfuls of cole slaw
That just seems like alot to me and I did not feel full or uncomfortable, but I stopped eating anymore because mentally I thought it was too much.
Can anyone give me insight as to what they ate at about 5 to 6 weeks post opt?
I don't know if you are eating to much or not. I also don't truely ever eat until I am full. I don't know if it's because I am scared to eat till I am full or something else. I would suggest use your own judgement as to how much you will eat. I am sure someone out there has better advice for someone 5 to 6 wks post-op.
Good Luck with everything!
Hey Miss Valerie...I had surgery about a week after you and here's what I take in most of the time:
1/4-1/3 of a soy burger patty with cheese, dill relish and ketchup
4 oz (1/2 C) cottage cheese and 2-5 saltines
1/2 protein bar
1/4 C refried beans, 1/4 C veggie (soy) burger crumble with 1T salsa
1 egg & 1 oz cheese
My program is very specific to limit our intake to no more than 4 oz at any meal and we're supposed to eat 5 a day...and I may get in 3 if I'm lucky. I may not feel full at a meal but I generally feel "done". I have no idea what that means but it's what my brain says. "I'm done". Weird. Never thought that before when I was eating. If it wasn't coming back up there was still room for more!
If I remember my cooking knowledge correctly, 6Tbs is 1/2 C (which is 4 oz) so I don't think you went nuts...
Best wishes!
I was eating 7 or 8 times per day, but smaller meals at first while I was
on liquids only. Now on pureed foods if I do more than about 1/4 cup
of anything -it seems to upset my stomacha5 nd I am eating 5 or6 times
per day. Depending on what it is
I can eat maybe 1/2 c which is equal to 4 oz. I still don't have a real
feeling of fullness most of the time- so its hard to know when I have
had too much. I have puked once, and been nauseated a few times
so I am trying to get a better handle on how much to eat myself.
I don't know if it is true or not, but I understand as time goes on,
and we heal more from the surgery then we will be able to feel more
of a sense of fullness in the pouch. In the meantime I guess it is
kind of hit or miss. I am still on pureed foods but I see the nutritionist
on Thursday and hopefully she will let me go on to soft foods and
some stuff with a little more substance.
Hi I had my surgery the day b4 you.
I have had that full feeling a few times and I have also had that yuck get this food away from me feeling. The full feeling is not like it used to be where I was uncomfy and felt like I couldn't move. Now it is different. I eat my meals slowly so to notice the feeling.
there are actually 8 Tablespoons in a half cup. So you were right on the mark with your food. Obviously we all know this is a tool. Most of us also know how hard it is to stay on a diet all the time. SO if you do fall off the wagon for a day, a family celebration it's okay.
I have been told 6 1/2c meals per day 3 of those can be protein shakes, the others need to be protein rich.
My big thing is today I felt like I was snacking all day long. I have been in a weird state of mind. I really want to get out and get active but we have 1 car DH has it all day at work. Our neighbourhood is not set up for walking. so I feel like sitting in bed all day, becuase the housework I want to do is way to challenging still.
Your doing great with your diet. I have found some protein shakes I like otherwise I would die.