39 Pounds!!!!!!!
That's what I've lost since I've had surgery. Today was my 10 day aftercare appie. I got my staples out, but not the drainage tube or the tension bars. I go back next Tuesday for that. He sent me down to the lab and I got to give some blood, not sure what all tests he wanted ran but they took enough to do quite a few. He just wanted to check my levels.......levels of what I'm not sure. Dr. E reminded me that some of the weight loss is just fluid, but I don't care. I lost it, I'm counting it.......lol. Dr. E kept telling me how amazed he was at how well I've done. Stupendous recovery.....according to him. I havn't had any complications, havn't dumped, incision looks great and I'm feeling so well it surprises me when I figure it out that I had surgery just 11 days ago.