Worried about how much I can eat

Traci H.
on 8/1/04 1:58 pm - New Orleans, LA
Hi all. I know this seems weird, but sometimes I feel like the surgery didn't work. I had surgery on the 22nd and have had a reallly fast/great recovery. I feel good, my pain is gone, I'm walking, etc. I am currently half-way between the full-liquid and soft diet. For the first week I wasn't really hungry, but now I am starting to battle head hunger again. But I'm hungry for healthy things....veggies, baked chicken, broiled fish....weird! In addition to protein supplements I eat Cream of Wheat, Yogurt, Chicken broth with soft noodles, and cottage cheese and can easily eat 4 oz. (or more) in 20 - 25 minutes. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. Traci
on 8/1/04 2:44 pm - Reseda, CA
Hi Traci, I hear your worries! I had similar ones. I was convinced that i didnt have a pouch! That the docs just made 6 lil holes in me and sent me on my way! Anyhow, I also can tolerate a lot of food now that im in the soft food phase. I asked my surgeon and he said no fear - the foods i was eating- the ones u are eating - are soft and liquidy and go right thru the pouch, they dont sit for long, so you dont get the full feeling... Anyhow, he assured me that once i was on more solid foods like meats, etc, i would notice a difference in how much i could take in. Also, i found out the other day - i had some mashed taters - no****ery ones - ate 4oz and was SOOOOOOOOO full....not a good feeling, felt awful for over an hour - - but i was also thrilled....i knew, at last, that i did have a pouch! Good luck, ~k
on 8/1/04 2:51 pm - Western, WA
Traci, I had my surgery on the 20th of this month, so I know how you feel. I haven't felt full yet. It's because we are "eating" liquid. It goes right through. Well, good luck to you - we are in this together!!! I can't wait to actuallly eat something! I know I will be full then! Joyce
Marcy B.
on 8/1/04 11:09 pm - West Bloomfield, MI
Thank G-d ! I thought it was just me! I too was convinced that the pouch is too big or something went wrong with my surgery because I am doing fine with liquids. I am trying to take 25min to 1/2 hr to eat each meal and to measure the portions- 4 oz at a time. I can't just do the 6 meals per day. The nutritionist told me to eat then every 2 1/2 hrs -either liquid or preferrably something with protein. I am like a little baby I wake several times during the night for feedings. So I have taken to keeping a small container of Dannon Yogurt at my bedside and eating a part of it when I get up throughout the night. My nutritionist says that my body needs the nutrition and also it helps with the dipping down of blood sugar levels. I think I am Ok about the head hunger. I just keep telling myself..someday I will be able to have this or that food again. I haven't been to weigh myself at the doctors yet- But I have taken to measuring myself just for grins. I cannot believe it...since before the surgery I have already lost 3 1/2 inches in my hips YEAH!!!!
Rebecca T.
on 8/1/04 11:58 pm - Central, NY
I had the same concern - I keep waiting for that 'full feeling' but it doesn't come. It did in the hospital - even with tiny amounts of liquids, then I get home and nothing! I thought I had broken it. (ha)
on 8/2/04 12:24 am - NJ
I just started on pureed foods yesterday after 2 weeks of clear liquids (ugh!). My worst problem is planning the food around the water and the water around the foods. When I was on clear liquids I was sooooo hungry. Now that I can eat, I don't really have an appetite. I am forcing down some Cream of Wheat right now....I'd much rather be drinking some lemonade!! Guess we're all different and will have to deal with things as they come up. Lately I have been very tired. If I'm up for a few hours I just want to go back to bed. I'll bet it has something to do with the bad nutrition for two weeks. Hope it improves with food! Hugs, Nancy
Traci H.
on 8/2/04 12:38 am - New Orleans, LA
Thank you all for taking the time to share your experiences with me. It really makes me feel better...........that's why this site is so AWESOME! I guess the answer for me is just to hang in there. Keep eating my soft foods in small portions even if I don't feel full and eventually as I move on to more solid foods I'll feel more full. Thanks again and keep in touch! Traci
on 8/2/04 3:27 am - Vancouver, WA
Too Funny.... I had told my husband just the other day, I have not ONCE felt realLy full and maybe they didn't really do the surgery.....!!! I have not had anything feel like it was coming back up either. I have been on purred foods for almost 2 weeks and I even tryed a piece of chicken and chewed well and nothing happened. Then I accidently forgot that i have to sip water and chugged down 3 gulps...and sat and waited for something bad to happen....NOTHING!!!! Hmmmm.......makes me wonder??? Anyhow, I guess we have to wait a bit longer for it to heal and tell us when we are full...I am awaiting that day!! Nadine
Jessica Senez (Lash)
on 8/2/04 7:53 am - MD
i had surgery on the 19th and they advancedme pretty quickly ...i was off the liquid and on puree before i left the hospital...the puree i didnt really feel full i just stoped.. however now im on soft foodslike chicken salad and shrimp salad and they say i should eat 1/3 cup and i eat like 4 baby bites and i wanna throw up im soo fulll.....once you get the real food in ya YOU WILL DEFF see the difference
on 8/3/04 7:28 am - Hobart, IN
I feel the exact same way. i'm on pureed and soft foods. i ate oatmeal and cottage cheese and cream of wheat. i don't feel full. i can eat one serving as it says on the box. i make it with skim milk and add powdered milk for the protein. i wonder if i'm doing something wrong or if i have a pouch. it has been too easy so far. also i have not lost much weight. i started at 310 before surgery. then i went down to 300 from my pre-op liquid diet. i was still 300 when i got home from the hospital. now i'm 285 2 weeks out. i don't feel that is enough. am i eating too much? i don't know. i eat 3-4 times per day like i was told and drink all day long. it's encouraging to hear that i'm not alone. when we start solid foods i hope it gets better. at least i haven't been sick yet. hang in there, we're all in this together.
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