Well, I had my surgery on Tuesday, July 20th, and I came home yesterday. I am still having pain in my stomach, where they cut me opened.
I think I should have had laproscopic instead of open surgery. Oh well, too late now. In general I don't regret my decision, but when my pain killer wears off I do regret it. So then I just take more meds and I'm fine. Hopefully I will ween off of the meds soon. It hurts too much to do that now, though.
My Dr put me on clear liquids for a week before my surgery, so I have now been on clear liquids for 11 days.
He wants me on clear liquids for 2 weeks after the surgery. He will then put me on other types of liquids (soups, protein shakes, v-8, etc)for two weeks, and then finally soft foods for two weeks (applesauce, pudding, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc). I will not take a "bite" of anything for at least another month. I'm sad about this, but my tummy can't handle much anyways.
I had my first bowel movement last night - around 1:30 am. Since I haven't had any food it was pretty watery. I also had really bad gas before the bowel movement. Sorry to gross you guys out, but this is something that I didn't expect. My tummy hurts on the inside as well as on the outside. It is trying to figure out what I have done to it!
As for weight loss - well I gained 20 pounds in the hospital -
YES 20!!!!! Everyone says that this is due to the fluids that they pump into me. HMMM I sure hope so!!! Since I came home yesterday I have lost at least 10 pounds back (prob due to that bowel movement)! I will meet with my doc next week around tues or wed. I will let you know if I'm down then as well. I completely expect to be.
Well, that is all for now! I'll keep you all posted on my progress!
Hi Joyce:
I had the surgery on the 20th too- had it done laprscopically. Its also painful- not the worse pain ever-but decidedly more painful than I expected. I was taking Lortab
( liquid vicodin) every 4 hrs- now I am taking it every 5-8 hrs and managing. I am finding it difficult to get in and out of bed, and am still
dealing with the post operative gas which they tell me will disipate soon.
I too gained weight after surgery 6 lbs that was upsetting to me, but
I know its water weight. I am happy I have had the surgery but I have
found myself to be very weepy today. This too shall pass. I am at the
full liquid diet stage whi*****ludes puddings and yogurts and have been
tolerating all food well. the only thing I notice is a feeling of lots of extra
gas so the stomach seems to fill up faster. I get rumbling/grumbling in
my tummy like I want food but nothing really appeals to me. I just can't
wait to see results. but I know I have to have patience. Good luck
on your journey
Hi Allison:
Cottage cheese is not allowed for me until the next phase of the diet.
I am trying to make due with the food options we have- the soups
puddings, diet supplements, jello popsicles etc. Are you drinking water
too? That seems to help me to. Foods sound good to me, and I would
like to be eating but I know the potential for problems and I don't want
to take any chances. We have come this far its only another week or
so before we will be given more foods. We can tolerate the discomfort
of not eating for a short period of time. I just try to fill my stomach with
something when it really starts rumbling and grumbling. I am still dealing
with the post op gas so that is more uncomfortable to me than anything.
Are you waiting every 3 hrs to eat or what? On the liquid phase you can
eat more often. Why don't you try that and see how it goes?
Hey Marcy!
My problem is that I am on clear sugarfree liquids, and just the thought of ALL makes me sick except diluted applejuice and water. I am nauseated by sf pops, jello, and broth! I am actually having hunger pains, but am scared to stray from what he says.. I can't even get in the 64oz every day, I only seem to get 40oz in or less! I don't see how I am going to make it through these next few days! -Allison
Why don't you call your doctor to 1) give you something for the nausea,
and 2) see about whether you can try some of the other food options
like maybe Cream of Wheat? I found that food helped me too with the
feeling of nausea. IMaybe you are still dealing with the after effects of
anesthetic and pain meds too. Who knows....
I don't think I am getting more than 40oz of water in either..just do your
best..and don't be afraid to call your doctor, thats what he is there for.
He needs your feedback about how you are doing. Not eating at all has got to be effecting your energy level..so I am sure he would want to know about it.
Hang in there!