(This is a rambling post because I can't seem to keep my thoughts in a linear order yet
Hey all. Things went great on Monday and I got home late yesterday afternoon. Some of you heard me complaining at the meeting last week about having to stay overnight. Well, until about midnight I was still griping...then the pain kicked in and I was very glad to have access to those IV drugs.
That *&^&$^$ that they give you to drink for the leak test is absolutely awful (no matter how thirsty you are), but luckily it's not a whole lot and the taste does rinse out afterwards.
Learning how to move and get comfy now while recovering.
I am glad that I took this whole week off rather than trying to go back to work early. Sip, sip, sip. Every moment I am awake I have something in my hand to sip on. Don't feel too much unless I try to take a big gulp of something. That does get my attention though.
Glad to be home. Glad to have the anxiousness of waiting gone. Glad to have survived the pre-op diet
. EXCITED to begin this new chapter of my journey.
Thanks to everyone for their support and encouragement.