Whew/phew! I love my surgeon!
I'm all set for surgery July 28th! I'm counting down now, just 13 days left! I am so anxious to have my surgery time, but the hospital doesn't tell us until the afternoon before. I sure hope that my cell phone gets a signal on the highway because I have to call between 2-4p.m on the 27th and I will be somewhere on the highway between here and there at that point.
Anyhow, I was starting to get worried. Because of the distance, I was supposed to stay in a hotel after release from the hospital until my one week postop appointment, staples out, diet given, etc. Unfortunatly my better half couldn't stay that long due to work, and it was looking like I'd have to make the trip home alone via taxis, ferry's and buses. I was pretty upset. It was even looking better to fly home and him not come at all (if I had to come home alone, I would rather fly but can only afford it if we don't pay the extra expense of him coming for a few days). So after much phone tag with Dr.O'Malley's office, he's given me the okay to go home on day 5 so that I can be with Derek for the journey. I am soooo relieved! So I'll do my 1 week follow up 2 days early and my doctor here at home will remove my staples on day 8. I can't express my relief. I was super anxious because it was so close, but even worse because I was afraid to go through this alone, in another country to boot!
So I'm good to go
I also had confirmation that all my preop tests came back good, along with my blood levels (some concern there as I had a menstrual period for 28 days until a little over a week ago). So barring any serious screw ups, everything is finally set as in stone as it could be.
Can you see my joy in my typing???? I'm gonna have to get the hang of the smiley's so I can use them to help express how HAPPY I am!