How long will you be out of work?
on 6/30/04 1:25 pm - NJ
on 6/30/04 1:25 pm - NJ
I'm just wondering how long your surgeon has told you you'll be out of work. Mine said 4 weeks, but I'm going to push for 5. My boss is ok with that and I'm a firm believer in being completely ready to go back to work rather than pushing it and ending up having problems.
What is everyone else planning on?
I'm only taking 1 week off....but I'm my own boss. I'm a home daycare provider, and I only have 3 children in my daycare right now, plus my husband works out of the home too, so he can help me if I need help.
I'm also having the laparscopic surgery done, so I should recover alot faster. What kind of surgery are you having?
Hi Nancy,
My surgeon said that I will be out of work 4 to 6 weeks, he's a beliver of being completly healed before retruning to work as well. I am having the surgery laproscopically (sp?). I talked to my Human Resource representative and she as well agreed that we will put my leave down for the longer period of time. I personally plan on taking the full 6 weeks.
Good Luck to you on your journey!
I do home child care for the Air Force. I only plan on closing for two weeks. One week for the surgery and one week after it. I don't have alot of kids so I don't see it being much of a problem. My kids parents know that I will be slow for the first few weeks. Two of my four kids (including my own son) are going on a two week vacation so that leaves just my son and a 9 month old. My parents have also told me that if I need more time to let them know.
I'm lucky because I don't work. I just finished student teaching this spring and am taking the summer off. In the fall, I will substitute teach, since there are few teaching jobs to go around in my area. I am almost thinking that through some divine intervention, maybe I didn't get a job so that I could focus on myself during my weight loss period.
I am a middle school teacher and right now we are out for summer school starts back for students Aug 10. My boss is VERY understanding I will be missing the teacher workdays starting the 2nd of Aug. So that I may be ready for the 1st day of work , and even then I plan to sit at my desk whenever I feel the need. I pray that will be enough time. Good luck to you and God Bless!
Hi there! Mine name is Amanda and I teach 5th grade. It sounds as though we are in a similar situation. Our children return Aug. 9, 2004 and teachers return on Aug. 5th, 2004. I plane to be working in my room 2 weeks after my surgery. I like to be well prepared before school starts! My lap rny is next thursday July 8, 2004. I am very nervous about starting school just 4 weeks out. I hope that I do not have to miss many days during the year. Weight loss will definitley help the energy level at school. When is you date? Good Luck and God Bless!!