My "New Beginning"
On July 15, 2004 I'll be having my surgery, and I'm so afraid that something in going to go wrong, I guess it's all in my head. If any one out there have ANY comforting words please let me know [email protected]
thanks alot,
I know how you feel. I've been worrying off and on for a few weeks. I worry about not waking up after surgery. I worry about having a blood clot. I worry that I will have a leak. I worry about future strictures and kinked bowels. I worry that I won't lose enough weight, I worry that I will lose too much. I worry that I won't be able to handle to eating restrictions. I worry that I will become a completely different person.
You are normal. You had better be, because if you're not, then I'M not.
The risks are so minimal compared to the risks we face being MO. Many of the risks are the risks you'll find with any surgery, and I'd rather have surgery when I am NOT in the middle of a medical emergency. I know these words don't really help...they haven't helped me all that much when others have said them. We just have to believe in our heart that we will do well, that we're fighters all the way.