Anyone Freaking Out?

(deactivated member)
on 6/11/04 6:17 am - 'Burbs of St. Louis, MO
By day, I am excited. I cannot wait until I can buy smaller clothes. Today, I realized that smaller clothing will mean fewer loads of laundry I am confident things will go well, and life will be great. BUT... By night, I am freaking out. Panicked. Wishing my mom would come and hold me. I don't know if it's because I am getting tired in the evening and my mind starts "thinking" too much, or if I am a true Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide. Is anyone else out there starting feel nervous? Thinking about the bad things that can happen? Thinking about the good things that can happen?
on 6/11/04 9:07 am - TX
Hi Pamela. Yes, I'm FREAKING OUT. I just met with the surgeon yesteday, and after my exam, he told me I am a good candidate for the surgery, and they scheduled me for 7/21/04. I called my Mom, who is an absolute saint, to let her know my good news. When she replied "oh, I'm so happy for made the right choice", I broke down and started crying like a baby! ME! A 31 year old GUY! I don't cry!!! She asked what was wrong, and I couldn't tell her. Happy? Scared? Excited? Worried? All of the above? None of the above? I think you sum it up best with "freaking out"! I have been wanting this surgery for five years, and have spent the last year getting my testing done, insurance approval, in takes, and so on, and now it just seems so surreal that all I do is set back, try to lose a few pounds before surgery, and count down the days. I don't even have one more test to do, because my surgeon requires all pre-op testing to be done before he'll even meet with you to determine candidacy. I know there are risks with the surgery, but the benefits out weigh them a hundred fold. I am blessed that I have no co-morbidities. Other than high cholestorol and triglycerides, which are attributed to genetics, I am healthy (for a 338 pound man). I pray every day for God's divine grace, and know that He will be with me throughout this life altering experience. Best of luck to you...God bless you and your family!
marilyn P.
on 6/12/04 2:38 am - RACINE, WI
jeff,jeff, jeff please stop thinking about what can go wrong, thats all i've been thinking about too. my surgery is july 21st at 10:30 am i'll tell what if you hold my hand ,i'll hold yours, deal! you pray for me and i'llpray for you, lets make this work for the both of us. cause we have the only person we need to guide our surgeons hand and his tools. THE LORD! so on the count of 3, tell satan you are given notice ,as of now you are rebuked from our lives and our surgery,Amen.
marilyn P.
on 6/12/04 2:54 am - RACINE, WI
sorry pam i thought i was replying to jeff, but yes i am freaking out as well. but the message goes for you also. that i left on your message site as might know from the message. think positive thoughts just think about how much healthier you be, thats what i,m gonna start focusing on i weight 260 and i,m only 5'3 with hight blood pressure, back pain, and i've had knee surgery to much weight on my legs and i want a new least on life. and feel this is my only chance to have it and i'm going for it,the benifits outweight the risks to me but i'll be praying for you to have a problem free surgery and swift recovery, believe me you are not alone. on this board everybody support each other.
girlieinidaho C.
on 6/11/04 2:00 pm - Boise, ID
My date is 7/6 and yeah, freaking out has been in my vocabulary lately. I go from sheer excitment and joy to sheer terror and doom, and that all takes place in a matter of minutes! I find myself torturing my self looking for bad stuff online and this website, although in the back of my mind is that reassuring voice that all willl be well. But then I wonder, is that voice lying to me?!? nah.
on 6/11/04 3:22 pm - JOELTON, TN
I suppose freaking out is the right way to describe it. I'm scheduled for 7/28/04. I'm up, down, up, down, happy , sad,. I can't sleep, I posted earlier. I'm always in bed by 10:30pm and now I'm up every night til 2or3 in the morning on this site. I'm happy.happy happy Best of luck!! We just gotta give it to GOD. He'll give us peace of mind. Barb in TN
on 6/12/04 2:22 am - Sharpsburg, GA
Pamela, I'm the same way. I'm excited and scared and petrified and conflicted and all that. I'm sure my hubby thinks I'm weird! My date is July 16, 04. My doctor has done about 1300 of these with only 2 or 3 deaths, so my odds are great...but I'm still scared. Take care, Cindy
on 6/12/04 5:27 pm - MERRILLVILLE, IN
Pamel, if I didn't know any better I would think that I have BI-Polar disorder the way I'm freaking out one minutethen thinking of allof the benefits I wil obtain from WLS. Were all going nuts because the days are dwindling down. NO more tests, no more fighting with insurance companies,and no more disappointments. There's only one way to go. Forward!!!!!!
Jill R.
on 6/13/04 10:02 am - MO
Add me to the list of the FREAKERS! Yikes! My surgery is scheduled for July 2nd. I am NOT looking forward to the month of July at all, but if I can get past THAT, I think I'll be okay. I have been trying to focus on Christmas, new clothes, and cleaning out my closet! I tell ya, the MINUTE I get home from surgery, I'm going to pitch my winter clothes!! Ok, I digress, I freak out and then I see myself in the mirror and I KNOW I'm doing the right thing. Good luck to you! Jill
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