July 13th !!
I am so excited...then I have a million things running through my head, then I am excited, again. Then I get to thinking how much better I will feel, then I get scared, then I am excited. I know this is normal, but it seem like July 13th is so far away! It seem that whenever I try not to think about it, the time goes faster.
Every time I eat something, now, I think about how my life is going to change, how I have to make it change...but I know it is only for the good. I think about all the lifestyle changes I will have to make, but that is okay, too. Does everyone feel this way?
I found out today that my date is also July 13th, and i am soooo very excited. i am lookin forword to starting a new life. and i think it would be kewl for all of us to stick together and watch our progress. this is sooo wonderful. there is not one person i have talk to that says they wouldnt do it again. and i think maybe thats why im not all that scared.....im sure when that day gets here i will be shakin in my booties.....but im anxious. good luck to ya's.