Any 7/12/04 WLS twins?
I see I'm in good company! I just found out I'm scheduled for July 12th at HCMC in Minneapolis, MN.
...and now there are 4? 

My surgeon does not require weight loss prior to surgery, but does say that if you're going to do the 'restaurant run' (his term) that you do it now and get it over with because he'd like to see you lose some weight in the 2-4 weeks before surgery.
Only 45 more nights to dream about life on the losing side!

...and now there are five... 

Im having surgery in Taunton, MA at Morton Hospital. My surgeon requires a 10% weight loss.. god its SOOOOOOOOO hard.
This is my second surgery attempt. First time I had a panic attack while in holding getting ready for surgery. The IV was in and everything. Versaid is my enemy. :nods: