Uh Oh! Where is everyone!

on 10/6/08 5:43 am - Racine, WI

Hey July 2004 Babies!!

Where is everyone?  This is the time we all need support.  I don't know about the rest of you...but I'm struggling more now than I have since surgery.  Gained 25# and am having a problem getting it off!  So frustrating!  If anyone's out there lurking...please join in and let's support each other.  Nancy -- Lisa -- WHERE ARE YOU?  How are you doing?


255 / 135 / 160

on 10/7/08 12:52 am - NJ
Hi Gail - not doing so great either.  I'm trying hard to get back on the South Beach Diet - did pretty well yesterday until I ate about 1/4 jar of peanut butter last night!  At least I didn't have any white processed food or sugar yesterday.   I need to lose at least 10 lbs.   I was down to 175 a month ago and here I am up to 185.  Why is it so easy to gain and so-o-o-o-o-o hard to lose???  I'm afraid with the winter coming because I don't get as much exercise and we all know what that means...

I'm going to check in here every day and I hope to stay on board.  

Gail, what is your diet plan?

Lisa - where are you?????

on 10/9/08 11:09 am - Racine, WI
Hi Nancy,

This is such a battle!  I really thought I had it made when I maintained for the first 2 years after losing the weight.  Now I struggle daily!  I don't really have a diet plan.  I plan my food every day, I eat a healthy breakfast (protein shake or bar), white chicken and cottage cheese for lunch, maybe a string cheese, usually oatmeal for dinner (I'm not much of a dinner eater).  My problem is all the little chocolates and sweets at work.  I know where every jar of candy or drawer or goodies is -- and when I get stressed (which happens a lot at work) -- I EAT THEM!  And, for the first time in years, I don't have a specific exercise plan.  I'm really struggling.  No matter how much I talk to myself...I just can't seem to get it together!  I've got all these sz. 6 and 8 clothes...and  I can't wear them anymore.  I was so proud to get in them in the first place, I can't believe I let myself outgrow them!

Let's just support each other as best we can.  We have a great tool -- let's use it!


Take care,
on 10/9/08 11:18 pm - NJ
Hang in there Gail.  The first step is always the hardest part of the journey - unfortunately I have to keep taking that first step over and over again!

I've been doing well - I'm back on track and down from 186 to 179 this morning.  I'm 'sort of' doing the SBD, but not strictly adhereing.  I find if I just stay away from the white processed foods and sugar, I do fairly well...I don't tend to get cravings and therefore don't tend to overeat.  My biggest motivator is my fear of going back to the size I once was.   Never.  Ever.  Again.   So I set a limit - not over 180, of course I've gone beyond it on occasion, but that's where I start getting myself back in a better frame of mind . 

My typical day is:
B: Eggbeaters, maybe a slice of turkey bacon, 6 oz. low sodium V-8, coffee with skim milk
Snack: zucchini slices with hummus or laughing cow cheese
L: salad with some sort of protein and beans, assorted veggies
S: lite Jarlesberg cheese and a few almonds or walnuts
D: Usually another salad with grilled chicken or salmon, or something in the crockpot like beef and mushrooms or some sort of chicken dish.
Dessert /snack: ricotta cheese with vanilla and Splenda whipped up to taste like cheesecake or walnuts and raisins.

For exercise, I walk my dogs for 1/2 hour every morning, sometimes another 1/2 hour in the evening.  I also take tap dancing class 1 hour a week and practice a couple of times during th week too.   Gail, have you ever tried the Walk Away the Pounds videos?   I love those and plan to do them during the winter.  They run around 30 minutes and you don't need room, and you walk the equivalent of two miles. 

Lisa - where are you??????


on 10/15/08 10:12 am - Racine, WI

Hi Nancy,

Sorry it's been so long since I was here.  Life gets in the way sometimes!  All's well, but I'm still struggling.  Hopefully I'll get a chance to re-join Jazzercise next week.  It's been so busy at work and working lots of O/T so I don't have a chance to get to the place to sign-up!  I have used the Walk Away the Pounds videos and I love them!  I plan to use them this winter, too, but I need to get my VCR set up.  We moved into a condo last summer and never hooked up the VCR because everything is DVD now.  I either need to purchase them in DVD...or hook up a VCR -- I think we have 3 of them around somewhere!  I really need to get back to exercising! 

Hope you're doing well, Nancy.  Your food plan sounds awesome.  I think I need to take a few tips from you!  We also take our 2 dogs for walks quite often, but we don't go very fast (they're small dogs -- Westies), so I don't think I burn too many calories!

Wonder where Lisa is?  Hope she's okay!

Keep in touch, Nancy!



Laura S.
on 10/15/08 8:13 am, edited 10/15/08 8:15 am - West Chester, PA
Well . . . for what it's worth . . . I'm here, quite by accident.

I was banded by Dr. Bonanni 7/2004.  I went from 320 to 240, up to 285 and down to 275.  I should not have been banded because I had a serious problem with GERD and can never have another fill again.  Esophageal cancer is not worth it.  I'm glad I had the band and would recommend it to anyone, but ultimately it didn't work for me.

I stayed with the original practice when Dr. B moved to Abingdon, but it makes no difference. 

Exercising is almost impossible between the arthritis in my knees and the neuropathy in my feet (and no I don't swim). 

I know most people do very well with the band.  I wish I could have been one of them.  I never reached that sweet spot because I couldn't tolerate the acid reflux that was *always* there when I lay down.  But I can be very supportive of others' efforts.  Perhaps I should come here more often.

on 10/15/08 10:17 am - Racine, WI


You're welcome here, anytime!  We are all trying to support each other after so many years.  I don't know much about lapband, but it sounds like you've had quite a time with it!  Keep us posted on how you're doing.

I had gastric bypass on 7/28/04 and lost 120 lbs.  I maintained that loss for 2 years and last year started gaining.  I've now gained 25 lbs and am struggling to get it back off.  I started at 256 lbs. and lost to 135.   Now I'm at 160 and MAD AS HELL at myself!  Gotta get a grip!

Hope to see you here again!



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