Happy Sunday! and my sad story.....

on 9/7/08 12:37 am - NJ
Well, we survived the torrential rains and wind from Hannah - I can't imagine what it's like for people right in the thick of it....it must be terrifying.   Today is beautiful - sunny and breezy - good day to do the (hopefully) final mowing of the lawn. 

I painted the kitchen on a whim yesterday - went from light blue walls to dark red - took me so many coats to cover it!   I started at 10:30 and didn't finish until 8:30!  Oh well, kept me from stuffing my face all day.   I was 175.6 this morning - nearly ten pounds down from Wednesday when I started the 5DPT!  I must have been retaining GALLONS of water!   The best part is I don't have sugar and carb cravings anymore.  

I'm going through some real stress right now and at times all I want to do is stuff my face and at other times I can't even think of eating.  I'm trying to keep busy but I feel like my brain just won't turn off sometimes.   My 20 year old son became a father last December, but the girl didn't tell him until May of this year.  Well, as you can imagine, it's a difficult situation.  I love my little grandson and my son wants very much to be a part of his life.   The girl lives with her mother and they really have the brunt of it all.  I've been pressing to take it through the courts, because the only visitation we've been allowed is to go to their house for an hour a week.  My friends and family have never even met my grandson because they won't let us take him even for a day.  My son moved out of my house in May and has been out of work on and off.  His plan now is to go into the Army and learn a trade, be able to send support for my grandson and put him on benefits.  He has to get his GED first and has been going to classes.  He finished, but has to go back because he failed the Math.  I've been giving a little bit of $$ each week to help with the baby.  Anyway, they have a court hearing for Sept. 22 for support and visitation.  I've been pushing for this for a few months and they always said no, I'm assuming because they don't want us to take the baby.  Well, now that the other grandmother has decided to do this, that is what is being done.   When I told her I was going to take a day off from work to go with my son, she told me I couldn't go.  Then I find out she's going.  I sent her an email and asked if maybe we should get together with the kids and try to talk about expectations, etc.  Her response was she didn't think it was necessary because it has nothing to do with my son or the baby's mother it's up to the courts and maybe I should start thinking of the baby's best interest.    I was thinking that maybe we could figure out visitations - even if they order overnight visitation we would start off with just a day for the baby's sake.   I sent back an email saying that the baby has always been most important, but I could also be supportive of my son as she was of her daughter.  Anyway, l got a very nasty email back telling me that I shouldn't be trying to influence anything and I had a lot of nerve comparing her relationship with her daughter to my relationship to my son.  She also said that if I was going to ask her daughter to request only a small amount of support I better not go there.     She told me there will be hostility until I stop protecting my son. 
It was insulting and very weird.  Now I'm worried that she's planning something - not wanting me there, etc, so I've spoken to a couple of people and everyone agrees at the very least we should consult with a family lawyer.  I certainly don't have the money for that - if I did I'd much prefer that money goes to my grandson, but I'm not going to let my son go in there alone and unprepared.  So anyway, I didn't respond to her other than to say: "Wow.  Your accusations couldn't be further from my intent.  I'm sorry you feel that way."  and left it with that.  I can be the bigger person.  BUT, I've been telling her off in my head for two days now!!  I'm angry and hurt that she would think that of me.   I know it's her problem but it really does make me feel badly.  

So anyway, I will be glad when the court case is over and will make plans to talk to a lawyer asap.   Last thing in the world that I want or need......

Sorry for the ramble, but I thought maybe if I wrote it out it might go out of my brain for awhile!!

Hope everyone has a great day!

on 9/7/08 10:50 am - Racine, WI

Hi Nancy!

Sounds like you're going through a lot with your grandson.  If you ask me, the other grandmother is totally out of line.  This is your son's baby just as much as her daughter's, and the baby should not be kept away from your son or you!  I hope the court hearing goes well and you are allowed visitation.  And I'm sorry that you're going through so much stress!

But CONGRATS on your wonderful weight loss this past week!  I'm excited to started the 5DPT tomorrow.  Went to the grocery store today and bought everything I need.  I'm going to be sure to drink lots of water -- that always seems to flush out the fat!  I think I mentioned to you and Lisa that I've gained about 20 lbs. over the past year and it scares the crap out of me!  I need to lose it, now, before it grows to more!  It was such a big help for me to come back to this message board and be reminded that our pouch works differently than other people's "plumbing".  I HAVE TO REMEMBER TO EAT PROTEIN FIRST!  I know I've been avoiding protein because it doesn't make me feel so good -- that's what it's supposed to do!  I've been a carb addict for the past year, avoiding most forms of protein.   So, we'll see what the next week brings!

I went for a 5 mile walk on Saturday (almost killed me).  That's not something I do regularly, but I am going to try to get more exercise in.

I'll keep you guys posted as I go through the week.  Wish me luck!

And, Nancy, take care of yourself!  I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that it all works out in you and your son's favor!

Take Care



on 9/7/08 10:38 pm, edited 9/7/08 10:38 pm - NJ

Thanks for the support and the good wishes, Gail.   Things will work out as they should and my greatest wish for my grandson is that he knows he is loved by a lot of people and that we can keep any animosity away from him.

Good luck on the 5DPT.  Day one is a little rough - I just tried to keep lots of fluids going and SF jello, chicken broth, and flavored tea.  For dinner I had low fat Cream of Mushroom soup.  Day two is a little easier - it's breaking those bad habits.  I hate it when I feel like I'm a slave to food and it feels so good to be in control of myself.    If you need any help or encouragement just holler - I'm usually online so I can answer quickly.   Exercise is important -  we may not lose pounds, but we definitley lose inches and that's what's important to me.   I get up early every morning and walk my dogs for 30-40 minutes (I'm now starting out in the dark!! )  I also take tap dancing lessons for an hour a week.   I'm going to start walking the dogs again in the evening - or maybe just walk by myself.  

I hate feeling like I'm stuffed into my clothes.   I promised myself I would never get over 180 lbs. again.  When I was on vacation a couple of weeks ago I didn't weigh and ate BADLY.  When I finally did weigh, I was 185.1 and that scared me to death.   I know how quickly I can pack on the pounds, so I think I will always have to be vigilant.  The South Beach Diet worked well for me - I felt like I was eating all day long.  My problem is that I get bored of the same old things so sometimes I just switch up diets.   One thing I do know - I am a sugar-holic.  Once I start eating sugar I can't stop.  It makes me feel sluggish and my stomach hurts and I don't know why I love it so much.... 

So, hang in there.   Pat yourself on the back for getting yourself back under control and keep remembering what a blessing it was for us to have this surgery!!!



on 9/8/08 8:30 pm - southbridge, MA
OMG Nancy; to put it bluntly, some people SUCK!!!  I see it all the time in Customer Service.  You know the ******** you wait on go home and stay ******** to whoever they deal with.  The biggesst of hugs go out to you, Your son, and granson. {{{{Nancy & Family}}}}.  May it all work out where everyone can agree! 

I had a fun weekend at a surprise 30th bday, some yardsaling, then Monday after work going to see the brother in law that had surgery 07/28.  He made us supper.  He is down 83LBS!!! He is going back to work on Wednesday and is a little nervous because he still gets tired more easily than he used to. 

I did some eating without making some consious choices, and the scale is up about 5 lbs.  I am also at day 2 of a very heavy cycle.  So, today when I get out of work, its back to the track!!!!!  I havent done that in 3 days.  I feel pretty well.  Here is what today looks like:

B; special K with Protein

L:  LC

S: will make some sort of chicken or pork chop meal

Protein bar
2 miles at track


Love LIsa
on 9/8/08 10:42 pm - NJ
Thanks for the support Lisa.  It's a difficult situation.  My son and I are going to see a lawyer tonight just so we know what to expect and so that the right thing is done for the baby AND my son. 

I see I'm not the ony one who can put on 5 lbs. in a weekend.   Amazing how easy it is to put on and how hard it is to get off!!!    I've been being really good - eating only protein, but still went up two pounds to 177.1.  That seems to be where my body is comfortable.  It seems like I have to stay on the 5DPT all the time in order to lose!   Sigh.....

Well, I try to keep a positive attitude - count my blessings of which I have many.   Someone sent me this email yesterday and I cut it out and posted it in my cube at work:

Five simple rules to be happy:

* Free your heart from hatred - Forgive
* Free your mind from worries - most never happen
* Live simply and appreciate what you have
* Give more
* Expect less

Have a great day everyone!!

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