On Track Wed 11/14/07
Morning everyone
My kiddos school was closed today due to an outbreak of strep!! It's a very small private school, but still, there's quite a few students and teachers sick. My two girls are fighting what I think are just colds, but the school says if they even have sore throats, we can't bring them. So I'm taking all the kids to the doctor today for strep cultures to be 100% sure. While I'm there, I'll see if my lab results are back from last week and get a new script for me for B12 shots for twice per month instead of just once. I'm really starting to get tired again. I'm thinking it's I'm needing more B12.
Other than that, just busy trying to keep up around here. How's everyone else doing? Getting ready for Thanksgiving next week? Do you all have to cook? Or do you go to family's house? This year, we're going to my parent's - but some years we do have it here.
Have a great day!
on 11/14/07 3:22 am - NJ
on 11/14/07 3:22 am - NJ
Hi Traci,
I'm not doing so great today eating-wise. Gotta put the brakes on.
For Thanksgiving, we go to my niece's house. Everyone brings something. I'm the potato lady....sweet potato casserole with marshmallows melted on top, and a huge batch of mashed whites. Of course we all end up bringing some sort of dessert too....
Still keeping up with the exercise, so it's not a total bust!!!