where is everyone?????

Irene S.
on 10/8/07 1:11 am - NJ
I understand. Real life stuff and all, so no pressure from me. If you are able to make it tonight, great! If not, any 2nd Monday of the month that works for you - is an option for support. Irene
Monna W.
on 9/23/07 1:45 pm - Susanville, CA
I'm still here, but like many others I stay very busy. Working full time as the assistant director of nurses at our local nursing home--new area of nursing for me and I love it. I started Taekwondo last week--I'm so uncoordinated. Finally considering PS. Am have hernia repair next month, but when I had my initial consult with the doc was still too unsure about the plastic surgery. Am now really considering it. 'My DD has lost 55 lbs. She is looking and feeling great!!! My son has his initial consultation on Tues. for his WLS. It is a family process. My son is over 400 lbs and as yet has few medical problems, but I know what is in store for him if he does not have the surgery. He is actually getting excited about it. Prior to his sister's surgery he would not even talk about it. He success has done more to show him the benefits that my success ever did--guess it's because she is young. Glad to hear everyone is still around. I did get down to 194, but gained weight on vacation this summer and have not been able to get below 200. But I did not continue to gain. If anyone has suggestions about PS in northern CA, let me know. I have Blue Cross now, so I will probably have to go to a center of excellence and the closest one to me is in Redding. I don't know whether I will be approved--so far no rashes or infections, but I work hard to prevent them. I have seen lots of complications of rashes under the panniculus. Everyone, take care. I really miss all of our old conversations. Monna
Traci K.
on 9/26/07 12:14 am - Sullivan, MO
I check in every now and then, read some and rarely post. I'm maintaining weight, but health-wise am not doing so great. Not sure if it's related to WLS though - docs are thinking MS, but we're not sure. So I'm going through a bunch of testing, no answers yet, feeling awful and quite honestly - it's exhausting. Other than that, life is good. I have a new grandbaby - so that's exciting. Traci Lap RNY 7/27/04 250/152ish
Monna W.
on 9/26/07 8:59 am - Susanville, CA
Traci, Good luck on your tests. My husband was diagnosed with probable MS 25 years ago, but not a definitives diagnosis until 17 years ago. From a family member's standpoint, it is not the best diagnosis, but I can live with it. As for my husband, who has been in a wheelchair for 22 years, he says he is not handicapped, but has special challenges. Outlook is everything. Get lots of rest and stay cool--I know you are cool, but I mean temperature wise. When they suggest Avonex, Copaxone, or any of the new generation drugs (if you have MS), please accept them as they can slow down the progression of the disease. I am here if you need a shoulder to lean on.' Monna
Traci K.
on 9/26/07 9:15 am - Sullivan, MO
Thanks Monna for the words of encouragement. My mother has MS, so I'm a bit familiar with it, but she has a non-progressive form, so from that standpoint, we've not really had to deal with it as it's not disabled her. But yes, heat does me in. It exhausts me and I feel as though I'm going to pass out. I never could take the heat, even as a kid - but this summer was worse than most. These symptoms just seemed to really get bad around March or so of this year and I was a real mess for about 2 months, then it got a bit better. Then I would be somewhat okay for a few weeks, then would get worse again. Very odd. The fatigue is almost more than I can bare, just a simple thing like cleaning my kitchen last Friday put me in bed for two days. It's ridiculous. The fatigue and such are the mild symptoms and that I can deal with; but the leg cramps, numbness, balance issues and cognitive issues (forgetfulness, can't get the words from my brain out my mouth!, stuff like that) are the worst - and I don't have that every day. It's the coming and going of symptoms that have them thinking MS. It seems I get one good day, where I feel good, and try to do something around the house and basically just live a normal life, and it puts me in the bed for the next two days or so trying to recover. Is that pretty normal for MS? That's what's so frustrating. I have a life to live, I don't have time to be in the bed resting because I don't have energy and strength to do anything. It's not something I can push through and make myself do - it's not anything like I've ever experienced before. Yet, so far, tests are showing no lesions on the MRI. Next step is lumbar puncture. I keep hoping it's just a vitamin or mineral deficiency or something - even though my labs really aren't all that off. I don't know what else it could be. Sorry to ramble - it's a bit frustrating for me.
Monna W.
on 9/26/07 2:17 pm - Susanville, CA
You know, Traci, what you are describing certainly sounds like MS to me. The reason it took so long for them to diagnose my husband's MS was that they could see no lesions on his MRIs. He was finally given a definitive diagnosis from his symptoms--he (actually I) kept a journal of all his symptoms and what preceded them. I was waiting for them to put him in a tub of ho****er to see if his symptoms worsened--you know, that is how they made the diagnosis a century ago? Hang in there and please take rests when you need to. For my husband, he does very well if he sets an alarm for 2 or 3 hours ahead--he has really bad short-term memory--and stops what is doing and rests for 20-30 minutes. He resets the timer and goes back to his activity after his rest. In that way, he gets a lot accomplished in the course of a week. My prayers are with you. I really hope it is something else. Monna
Traci K.
on 9/26/07 9:06 pm - Sullivan, MO
Thanks Monna. Yes, my memory is just awful and I've been explaining a lot of it away as menopause; and other symptoms away as low blood sugar (like the dizzyness and balance issues) you know - what a lot of us women do, just explain things away as nothing or something else. When in reality, I've been having many of these symptoms for a long time. I'm going to have my labs redone, as it's been 6 months, because my PCP said that many long term WLS post-ops get symptoms that mimic MS when they become deficient in vitamins and/or minerals - thus why I'm wanting to be extra diligent in making sure we didn't miss testing for something and that I'm getting the right supplements in. I'd rather it be something I can take a supplement to fix, than MS - KWIM? But it's frustrating to continue to deal with these symptoms, all the tests to come back normal, for me to "look" fine and normal and the doctors not quite sure what to do next. I know it's not all in my head, but doctors make their decisions based on tests and facts - so they might not agree! LOL
Irene S.
on 9/27/07 2:12 am - NJ
Traci, I'm so sorry that you're having these problems. I hope that the doctors can get to the bottom of it, and do something to give you lasting relief. Irene
on 10/1/07 1:52 am - NJ
Hi Traci - so nice to hear from you!! So sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and hoping you get answers that are not too hard to accept or deal with - hopefully something easily fixable. Keep in touch! Hugs, Nancy
on 10/1/07 2:02 am - NJ
Hi Monna! I'm glad to hear you're doing well!! Congrats to your daughter and how wonderful that your son has decided to get the surgery. As we all know, his quality of life will be so much better!! As far as the PS goes, I'm going to do what Irene says and make some rounds and see what is being offered. Can't hurt to get more info.... I miss our old talks too, so I hope to see you here more often and I promise I'll check in too. Hugs, Nancy
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