I'm Exercising...When do I see A Loss

on 10/24/06 11:34 pm
Hi Everybody, I've been exercising for about three weeks now. The scale has not budged. I made an error in not taking my measurements before I started. So I may be losing inches. I know I look a little more streamlined and both my Hubby and I noticed that my butt looks different. It feels so good and different to exercise now. I remember before, getting moving was so much harder and I was embarassed because other people seemed to be moving so much more easily. I let that mentality stick too long, but I'm getting over it. Movement is so much easier than before and it only reinforces the fact that I don't want to be back where I was. I've been working out 3 to 4 days per week doing 30 minutes of cardio on the elliptical and alternating my strength training between legs and arms each day. I always thought that I didn't sweat because when I worked out before I would move so slowly. I've been moving at a moderate pace and increasing resistance a little each day, but I don't sweat. I sweat a little, but not very much. Does sweat have anything to do with how effective a work out is? Any suggestions for a good work out plan would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Teah
Irene S.
on 10/25/06 1:42 am - NJ
Congratulations on getting moving! I can't help with the exercise plan, since I don't have any expertise in that area. As for the sweating part - my surgeon says that you have to sweat for it to be a good workout. I disagree with him though... he's my boss now, so he's used to me disagreeing with him.... lol! I think it's more important to go by heart rate. Different people sweat different amounts. Plus, I will sweat different amounts for the same workout depending on the air temperature and humidity... I tend to be the type to sweat easily, too... In summer when I walk, my clothes will be wringing wet and the same walk in fall or winter I won't even break a sweat. But my heart rate will be the same. Or my time and distance will be the same... As for seeing the difference on the scale - you may or may not see very much difference in the scale. Especially if you put on muscle and you didn't have much muscle to begin with, because a specific dimension of muscle weighs more than the same dimension of fat. I think I lost a total of about 6-8 lbs. BUT I don't know how much if any of that I can really attribute to exercise. My weight loss has been slow and steady over more than a 2 year period. I noticed that with working out, my clothes are a little looser on me - I didn't actually take measurements. But it's funny - I notice that because of crunches I have abs of steel and a belly of jelly... in other words as my abdominals become harder and tighter and smaller, it makes the skin on my abdomen feel more mushy and squooshy... and it's the same with all the other areas... but I do have muscles.... so when I have plastic surgery next year, I'm hoping that the good underlying muscles will give a better result. Have fun with the exercise, the newfound ability to move with ease, and your emerging body.
on 10/25/06 3:08 am
Hi Irene, Thanks for the information. I do notice an increase in my heart rate when I am exercising. I guess what I should do is try to figure out my optimal heart rate. I check it periodcally on the machine when I am exercising and its always in the cardiovascular zone. Never in the weightloss zone, which I noticed had a lower heart rate range. Go figure. Ok now, one comment you made scared me a little, although I may get PS in the future (I haven't made a firm decision on it yet), I was hoping that my "areas" would look a little better with exercise, not more mushy and squooshy. I guess the point is that I am moving and that's good for my body, regardless of the end result. Thanks
Irene S.
on 10/25/06 4:28 am - NJ
I don't think that there's anything to really be scared about. In my situation, as well as my age (49), I was never EVER going to look good without plastic surgery - period. With or without exercise. Many years of rapid weight gain and loss, along with stretch marks have completely ruined my skin's elasticity. This may not be your situation. Since my muscles are no longer as mushy as the skin, it just *seems* to be more mushy squooshy. I wear a shaping undergarment (lipo-in-a-box) under my work clothes. When I mention my desire to have reconstructive surgery to people, they can't understand why I need it... until I show them the skin on my upper arms. I think in some ways the exercise has changed my body contours for the better. I can really see muscles when I flex my arms. It can't help with the skin... Nothing but plastic surgery can help that... But getting moving has so many benefits that have nothing at all to do with skin. Irene
(deactivated member)
on 10/25/06 9:19 pm - 'Burbs of St. Louis, MO
Well, at least you're exercising, even if the scale doesn't move. Exercise is good for more than just weight loss...too bad I haven't done it regularly since early summer, and not at all for about three weeks. I just can't get motivated! If you keep it up, you will start seeing the numbers go down. They really shouldn't ever go up because you're "building muscle" because it takes a LOT of heavy exercise for that to happen (we're talking serious training here). Also, some people sweat, some do not. Mostly, you want to gauge exercise on heart rate and how out of breath you are. BUT, if you push yourself to the point you don't enjoy it, you'll wind up giving up long before you should. And on "The Biggest Loser" the last couple of seasons, the blue team was told to never go above 2.5 mph on the treadmill. Of course, that might be why they never win... I think you're doing great...I could use a little of your motivation thrown my way! Pamela
on 10/25/06 11:02 pm
Hi Pamela, Here's some of that motivation.....I'm throwing it your way.... I just hope I can keep it up and make it part of my daily lifestyle. So many, many, many time's I've started to workout, only later to make excuses on why I couldn't go. I'd have to say that I've never really enjoyed it - - the exercise, as much as I have and in the morning I'm racing to get my workout it. It feels good. Good Luck to you.
on 10/26/06 1:06 am - NJ
Teah - congratulations to you on your new commitment to exercise!! I wish I could get back there..... When I exercised regularly (assorted Walk Away the Pounds tapes - every day at least 30 minutes once per day, sometimes twice) I had more problems dropping weight, but I was definitely leaner and had more energy and stamina. I got away from the exercise and wish I could motivate myself to get back to it. I have taken up tap dancing - I go to class for one hour per week, and practice about 15 - 20 minutes a day...hey, at least it's something!! Hugs, Nancy
on 10/26/06 1:27 am
Hi Nancy, Thanks. I'm glad I was finally able to get into a regular routine...Getting here was the hardest darn thing. So, I'm going to toss some motivation your way too, because I know how hard it is to get moving. How are you these days? I kept you in my prayers. I'm glad to "see" everyone again. If I can keep this up, by summer, I'll be a knockout! Take Care, Teah
on 10/26/06 5:49 am - NJ
I'm doing OK - I can't believe that tomorrow my mom will have been gone three weeks. Sometimes it hurts so much it's almost a physical ache, but I'm getting better. Thanks so much for keeping me in your prayers - I know it helped...
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