on 9/19/06 10:54 pm - NJ
on 9/19/06 10:54 pm - NJ
Hi everyone,
Just checking in. I took the week of from work to help my Dad figure out what we need to do with my Mom. We finally got the pathology report yesterday and it's not good. It's a malignant carcinoma in her intestines that is widespread - my Mom probably has a few months.
I'm glad I can be there for both her and my Dad, but what an awful thing to go through. They are moving her today to a sub acute care facility with the option to go to hospice when the time comes. I don't think she'll ever come home again...so very sad.
To add to all of this, I let my dogs out the other night (I have two Greyhounds) and they got into a fight - the one nearly killed the other. He had to have surgery and he looks awful - like a Frankenstein dog. My poor doggie. My son and I made the decision to rehome the dog who was injured - the one who attacked him did this to him once before and obviously has to be an only dog. Also, it will be much easier to rehome a dog who can be with other dogs. My heart is breaking about this too...I've had Shamus for 4 years so he is really a member of the family and we'll miss him so much. Sometimes I wonder just how much people can take before they break down completely. I'm trying to be strong for my Dad, my Mom and my sons, but I think the stress is coming out in different ways - I feel like my throat is closing up and I have sores in my mouth. I break down in tears at the drop of a hat - I can't sleep either.
I am eating on the fly - not really good stuff - pretzels with peanut butter and cream cheese, granola...that kind of stuff - too much fat. Now that I have these sores in my mouth I probably won't be eating too much for the next couple of days. Still hanging in there at 169 -170.
Thanks everyone for your good thoughts and prayers....love ya's!
I'm so sorry you have to go through this. They what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. I'm like you, I have wondered many times how much I can't take before I completely break, but somehow somewhere I find the strength to muddle through and I do mean muddle. Hang in there, you are one tough chickie and I have so much admiration for you! You know we are all here for you. Stay strong and my continued thoughts and prayers are with you.
Love you!
Wow Nancy, your life is certainly hectic! Remember, try to take care of you!!!!!! You can't be 100% for anyone else until you are taken care of. Bless your Mom. May she be comfortable and not suffer. I have two dogs myself, and I know how bonded we become with them. I think you are making the right decision though, and the dog will be much happier. Take care. Enjoy a bath, take a catnap, do some stretching. Love, Lisa
Nancy, I know this is such a stressful time for you. I can only imagine the heartache that you must be feeling, and I hope that in time, you will be at peace with everything going on around you. Although you may not have much more time with your mother, you can make it count and never have any regrets about not saying or doing those things you wished you would have. Thinking of you...
Nancy, I'm so sorry that you, your family and most of all your mom have to go through this. My heart goes out to all of you. Try as much as possible to take care of yourself. It's the best thing that you can do for your mom and your family. Taking care of yourself will allow you to be there for them. I'll continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.