I'm Kinda Upset...

on 7/5/06 1:23 am - NJ
I had blood work done for my two-year visit to my bariatric surgeon. Since he's no longer in my network, my PCP orders the bloodwork. I went to see my surgeon last week, and he said that my iron levels were very low and it was imperitive that I start taking two iron pills a day. He said my cholestrol was borderline high around 198 and my HDL and LDL were pretty good. He wanted me to have another iron test in a month. My PCP's nurse just called and said that my cholestrol levels were elevated and so was the LDL (bad cholesterol). The heart inflammation marker was also elevated as was my sugar! I asked what the heart inflammation marker was and she said it marks for high cardio risk. She said I needed to eat a lowfat, low sugar diet and get exercise. She said everything else was good. I asked about the iron and she said it's a little low, but the doctor wasn't concerned about it!! What gives? Is each type of doctor only concerned about their own area? I told her what the surgeon said and that he thought the cholestrol was not too bad, and she said he probably wasn't looking at the whole picture - just what interested him. She said I was to get another blood test in October. I asked if these results were serious and she said if the doc thought they were serious, he'd want me right back. They are an indicator and the next step - if diet and exercise don't help - is medication.... After I hung up I was kind of scared. To be honest, I have to admit I've been eating a bit more sugar than I should be - do you think Splenda counts toward sugar levels? I do eat a fair amount of it and there are days that I seem to sprinkle it on EVERYTHING. I also haven't been paying much attention to my fat intake - the surgeon always stressed high protein, low carb, never mind the fat. Well, first thing I did was go down on the treadmill for 30 minutes. I really haven't been exercising on a regular basis, and it's something I WILL GET BACK TO. I've been having heart palps lately when I exercise; even a short walk and my heart is thumping in my chest. I've had them before and from what I've read, it's really nothing to worry about and should go away once I exercise on a regular basis. Low iron can also cause them, so we'll see what happens once I get those levels up. I'm going on vacation next week - I kind of wish I didn't find out until after, but what the heck - it will help me make some better choices and today is the first day of the rest of my (hopefully LONG) life. This is the motivation I needed to get back on track I guess. What bothers me is the difference between what each doctor deems 'important'. I mean, where does that leave me? With mixed messages I guess.... Anyhoo, thanks for letting me spill my guts..... Hugs, Nancy
on 7/5/06 1:57 am
Follow your gut.... I don't think Splenda would have that much of an effect on the numbers... My nutritionist wants me to keep my fat grams below 40, if that helps any... She's constantly pushing lite cheese (which I'm not crazy about!!). She warns against chicken wings (too fatty), etc. It's the white carbs and real sugar that get you. Jump back on the band wagon with protein, good carbs, limited fat and exercise... You can do it!! Have a great vacation!!! Denise
on 7/5/06 2:08 am - Oxnard, CA
I don't blame you for being upset. I too just had my blood work done and everything was great but I got the same thing as you "your iron is a little low". But my doctor said as long as my multi-vitamin had iron not to take extra. But I know I've been a bit sluggish so I went ahead and started adding an iron tablet into my diet. I also found out like calcium, we don't absorb iron normally either and that the kind found in Feosol is the kind we absorb best. So I hear something different everytime. I think the actual gist of it all is they just don't know. They are very much still learning about this surgery and its effects and tweaking it the protocol. In my surgeon's program they have changed the diet plan at least 3 times since I've had my surgery. I had to wait six months to have beef, they now get it after 3. So makes you wonder, do they know what they are talking about aside from actually doing the procedure? My doctor was the same as yours, don't worry about the fat, you don't eat enough for that to be a concern. Concentrate on the protein. So I try to eat lower in fat things. Then you get the doctor's that say the stuff they do to the lowfat products to make them lowfat is actually worse than eating the fat. So how are we suppose to know? I truly believe we are all just science experiments with this surgery! Either way doll, maybe take that blood work somewhere else and get a second opinion? Have fun on your vacation and try not to stress!!!!! Love ya! Michelle
on my W.
on 7/5/06 8:03 am - Canada
Hi Nancy, Well it must be bloodwork season...I just had mine done and am waiting for results this week. I have been so tired that I am afraid they will say my iron is low and that is such a curse,.....you all know what I mean. Nancy...concentrate on your protein....that is the key according to my doctor. I have even been skipping my multivitamin ...I must confess....and am lax on my calcium...if a true confession be told....I am also not getting enough protein and I know that is why my blood sugar levels are always low.....the back to basics thing is the way to go and I think your post is a wake up call for all of us...(well maybe just me...I will only speak for myslelf)....You will be fine and I know you are frustrated but they would engage in more aggressive intervention if you needed it so you must be doing all the right things. Keep going...enjoy that Nova Scotia vacation....all your levels will be sure to get in line when you are relaxing on the beuatiful waters of Nova Scotia...yes...I am jealous .....hahhahaha Hugs Karen. Thanks for sharing....
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