Hey July Babies! It's JULY!!!!!

Irene S.
on 7/1/06 3:43 am - NJ
Happy 2nd anniversary to all my July 2004 surgery buddies! Where were you 2 years ago? What were your hopes and dreams for wls? Were you calm, scared, anxious, thrilled - what? Has the journey been anything like you expected? Was it worth it? Two years ago on July 1, I was patiently waiting for my date to arrive. It was a LONG journey for me to get to my surgery date. By the time I finally got my surgery date, I felt none of the thrill that so many people describe. I had been put through the wringer with the ups and downs of denials and delays and everything else. But I was just so certain that it was the absolute RIGHT thing for me, that I was very, very peaceful and sure. I was looking forward to the PERMANENT change in my relationship with food. And I got that! I wanted to be free of the PAIN - physically, mentally, emotionally. This part is still a work in progress for me. The physical pain of the obesity is gone. Some of the emotional pain of the obesity has been replaced by the skin issues. But I keep repeating that in the times we live in, at least there IS an option. Back in my 20s, plastic surgery was something that was available to movies stars and accident victims. The journey, as difficult as it has been at times, has been so worthwhile. My only regret? That I didn't do it sooner! Irene
on 7/1/06 11:43 pm - NJ
Thanks for a great post, Irene! Yes, it's our two-year re-birthday. In some ways, my life has changed in an extraordinary way; in other ways, I'm still struggling to change. Either way, it has be one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. Once I did my research and decided it was the right thing for me, I got approvals easily (from Aetna at that!) and had my surgery within a few months of making the decision. I had a few unpleasant complications that required another week in the hospital for a stricture and an ulcer, but I'd do it all over again without a thought. My health today is so much better - prior to surgery I was on cholestrol meds, high BP meds, and suffered from joint pain and shortness of breath. I used to spend a lot of time thinking about dying. Today, I'm off of all of those meds and rarely have pain (sometimes a bit of pain in my shoulders and back, due I believe, to my hanging boobs and excess skin on the tummy). I have my life back and my thoughts are about living; not dying. I feel blessed - even with my excess skin, to have been able to have this life saving surgery. My only regret is the same as yours Irene, I wish I had done it sooner!! Hugs and kisses to ALL of July babies!!! It wouldn't have been such a rewarding and wonderful experience without each and every one of you!!! Nancy
(deactivated member)
on 7/2/06 12:28 am - 'Burbs of St. Louis, MO
Two years already...where has the time gone? Two years ago, I was suffering from severe sleep apnea and high blood pressure. I couldn't walk around the grocery store without feeling sharp pains in my back. I was always extremely warm. I was stuffed into my clothing. I eyeballed every chair, seat, and couch that I sat in, wondering if I would break it or get stuck. I couldn't keep up with my daughter and husband. I had zero self-confidence. Today, the sleep apnea and high blood pressure are gone. I have no problem shopping for hours and hours. I am rarely warm, even on the hottest days of summer. I can fit into clothing now, although it still doesn't fit quite right because I'm in between sizes. Chairs, seats, and couches aren't a problem for me any more. My daughter and husband can't keep up with me. I actually HAVE self-confidence. I'm not perfect...you guys know that, you've read my posts! I am still dealing with food issues and I probably always will. But you know, I NEVER thought I would see the day when I could order the smallest order of ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery, take a few bites, and throw the rest away. I THOUGHT I would lose most of my weight by one year, and I regret not reaching goal so easily (or at all, as the case may be). But I am thankful that I have my life back...that's all I really wanted. Cheers! Pamela
on 7/2/06 10:28 am - Sparks, NV
Hi Everyone!! wow 2 years!! What an unbelievable roller coaster of a 2 years it has been too. Like you Irene, I had a rough time getting to surgery. It took me a year and a half long fight with the insurance company, countless hoops to jump through, 3 denials and ultimately getting approved with the help of an attorney. I had researched the surgery for a few years prior and something always got in the way of pursuing it like infertility and then triplets. I knew that this surgery was my destiny as I was a thin teenager and knew what it was like to be thin and beautiful. I was a very miserable obese person and very much in denial at how big I got, nor did I believe I would stay that way and it would magically go away the same way it seemed to just appear. It never did go away. I realized one day when picking up my 6 medications for obesity related issues at 28 yrs old, that I would die by way of eating myself to death if I didn't fight for this surgery NOW. Fast forward to today.... I know there has been alot of talk here lately about being at goal and those not there need to do this or that.....I am at goal but let me tell you all something....No matter what happens, you have done an amazing job so far and I really believe all of you still working toward goal are truly the strongest people I know and I admire you all very much. It was so easy the first year when we could just lose and lose and lose. Somewhere between then and now, it got to be work. You are all working so hard at it and the MOST important thing is not the ultimate goal number but the fact that everyone has lost 100+lbs and have been keeping it off. Look how much healthier you are today then 2 years ago. To me, we are all successes whether we reach goal or not and the best you can do is just that, your best. If you fall off the wagon, your human. The important thing is dusting off and getting back on again. Don't ever give up!!! Its so hard! I'm at goal now and had PS as well. I STRUGGLE EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY DAY to stay here though. I've bounced around 5lbs up and back down so many times because I fall off and get back on but I DO get back on and thats what its all about. Thats what will ensure we don't get back to where we were before. The number on the scale doesn't mean a thing, your health does. I know this for a fact, don't go by your number. If I was to go by the number on my scale I would be 1 pound away from obesity according to the bmi chart even though I wear a size 6. See what I mean? Your health is what is important. Goal schmoal! Every BODY is different and as long as your healthy, its alot more then what you were 2 years ago and that my friends is what I call success. Anyway, I kinda went on a tangent there but like Irene, my only regret is not getting it sooner. I still battle demons every day, anxiety, fear, image issues etc. I think those are things that no matter how great we look or how small we get, they are tattooed on our souls forever from obesity. I have back issues from obesity that I'm dealing with now and struggling with the decision to accept painkillers as my only option but overall I'm healthy, happy and wouldn't change my decision for anything. My journey is pretty much over with the exception of some possible tweaks to my TT incisions in the back. Otherwise I'm done. I want to thank everyone on this board for the last 2 years. I know I haven't been around much but I read often and hold you all dear to my heart. I'm always around even if I don't reply much. Happy Anniversary to the strongest people I know! Best Wishes, Deejay
on 7/2/06 10:59 pm
Hi Irene!! What a great post... It focuses on the victories, and when I think about it I've got a lot of them... Let's see 2 years ago... I remember going to a funeral and standing at a gravesite wishing the minister would shut up because I could stand no more. My back and my knees were killing me. Fortunately, I found a tree to hold on to while the minister continued. A year ago, I lived in a colonial style house and hated going to bed because it meant climbing the steps. I would literally have to slide up the wall holding on to the rail one step at a time. The process was repeated in coming down the steps too. The wall adjacent to the steps had my body print in it. A year ago I could not find a comfortable spot in my bed to sleep. I snored like two trains coming, no one wanted to sleep on the same floor as me. I had a hard time getting out of bed once I got there. I was like a weeble... You know "weebles wobble, but they don't fall down." I literally had to push myself up by the elbows to get out of bed. A year ago I would have to strategically plan what chair I would sit in for any occasion. In most of the conference rooms at work, all the chairs had arms on them, so I would sit on the edge of the chair, strategically holding on to the table, hoping I would not fall. I was not nervous about the surgery, for some reason, I just knew it would be all right.. and it was.. I would do it again it a heartbeat. 100 lbs later (and still more to come)... I'm thrilled with where I am today, compared to where I was. I have a life now, I don't try to hide anymore (like I ever could!). I'm front and center, sometimes ahead of the pack!!! Have a great day July babies!!! Denise
on 7/3/06 2:11 am - Oxnard, CA
I'm a little late but wanted to post my thoughts too. Two years ago I was a miserable woman. Although, I'm not at goal.........I've come a long way. I too used to dread going anywhere that the chairs had arms or booths. I couldn't sit in a movie theatre seat without cramming myself into it. Or getting on a ride at a theme park praying the bar will go down..........Today I'm happier than I've ever been. My kids are happy. The past two years have been nothing but change, from this life altering surgery, divorcing, losing my mother to cancer, and relocating from Missouri to California. But a journey I would repeat without a second thought because I'm happy. I still very much struggle with my food demons, but nothing like I used to. I'm like everyone else, wish I had done it so much sooner. So cheers to us!!!!!! Michelle No longer 388 pounds!
Mary M.
on 7/3/06 3:10 am - Neverland, CA
Two years ago I weighed 415 lbs, BMI 65, Fat Percentage 53.9 and I wore size 36 clothes 5-6 X and suffered with constant pain in my joints, swelling of my feet and hands, sleep apnea, urinary incontinence, and lets face it immobility. This surgery was my last ditch effort to fight my personal war on obesity. I had said many years ago that I would never have this surgery and was going to beat this ugly monster by myself. However, every time I lost weight the vicious cycle of regaining the weight and then some. In my two-year journey, I learned that this surgery was a means to an end. With the help of my bariatric group, I was blessed to learn that this was not a magic bullet rather a tool that I needed to learn to use. I became the eager student to learn how to master my tool and my body. I work closely with my nutritionist to control my food and became a gym rat. At the time of my surgery, it was anticipated that I would have a new body weight between 187 to 269 lbs. I have exceeded my surgeons goals my current weight of 160 lbs is 27 lbs below what was anticipated. I am currently wearing a size 8, which equates to a small - medium. I look forward to my future with the knowledge I have gained. The newest phase of my life is beginning I will have completed my master's degree in August, I am well below my doctors goal weight and will begin plastic surgery to correct the damage I have inflicted on my poor body. I have much to be grateful for health being the foremost. Happy Re-Birthday to All July Babies!!!! Mary M.
on 7/12/06 1:30 pm - Vancouver, WA
Hello July Babies, WOW, I rarely check in here and didn't even notice it was 2 years ago this month, we all had our surgeries. Time flies by soooooo fast! I read your stories though I don't respond much, but you all are so wonderful still supporting each other and checking in on what you eat...etc... I have not been as good or faithful but still know where I came from. Whether you've reached or exceeded your goals we are all winners. Like everyone I feel so blessed. Just the other night I was laying on my side trying to go to sleep and I remembered what I felt like on my side when I was heavy. I always had my stomach bulge to hold onto as I layed to sleep. The weirdest thing happened I know it's not there anymore, but I still felt it there. Sometimes, I have these deja-vus and feel like I am still the old me, and then I look at pictures and I go who was that woman? I think I always felt thin inside, but just couldn't get out. The fat was a sheild I hid behind. Today I also feel so much better and don't have the breathing or joint pain I had. I don't follow any excercises or special diet like I should but I do take my vitamins regularly. I wish I could get the diet stuff together, but I was so tired of dieting I guess I have rebeled. Thanks again for all your posts they really help even the new-comers. WOW...to Mary M., hadn't seen your posts ever, you look awesome....CONGRATS TO YOU ALL.....KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. To all our good health.....cheers! (red-wine please)!!!! Nadine
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