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Elizabeth J.
on 9/2/07 12:33 pm - Corpus Christi, TX
Topic: RE: bowel obstruction
I have also been out 4 years now, and I had to go back and surgery again because of adhesions. Did you have your surgery open? I did, the surgery itself was a breeze but I began to have pain in my abdomen. The first time I had the pain was 2 years after my surgery, but was told it was food poisoning. After taking pain meds. things began to get better, then I started having pain again, I would go to the emergency room, they admitted me and ran test and said it was a bad case of gas. Finally, last year I was in severe pain again, this time I went back to my gastric doctor and he saw the adhesions. I had surgery and Thank God all is well. No more problems!
Elizabeth J.
on 8/2/07 10:40 am - Corpus Christi, TX
Topic: It has been 4 years.
Congratulations to all of July 2003 weight loss surgery members. We have come a long way, so much has happen since that time but I still have no regrets. In Nov. 2006 I had to have surgery for adhesions in my abdomen, they say it was because I didn't have my surgery laproscopic. It doesn't matter what caused it I was in some severe pain, thank GOD it is over now, and I am feeling so much better. I have gained about 12 lbs. and trying to get those 12 lbs. off. I know my problem is not exercising, there is no excuse for it but I am now ready to get back on track. I hope everyone is doing well, we all should be very proud of ourselves, we have come along way. Much luck and success to everyone. Please let me know what has been going on with you all.
on 8/1/07 1:08 pm - Pascagoula, MS
Topic: RE: July 2006 Post-Op 3-years!
I honestly think that weight "Stabilizes" at some point. Based on your life style, food choices, exercise choices and work style. Mine seems to be 220 for my norm at 4 years out. I felt I was a slow looser and coulda done better... but then most of us feel that way I will admit when I see weight gains of even 2lb I start to worry. I will admit I live in terror of putting the weight back on I will also admit that I am so much more healthy now! I am so much more NORMAL now. I keep reminding myself of these things when I start to fret
on 8/1/07 12:48 pm - Pascagoula, MS
Topic: RE: My situation
Heya Saundra The wings suck but I too am glad to complain of them ... sucks about the accident! Im glad you made it through that alright!!! You look fabu for a "person of 66" btw :D
Saundra G.
on 7/26/07 3:18 am - Mission Hills, CA
Topic: My situation
I know I have not posted in quite a long time because although I had a car accident in Nov. 2006, and spent 10 weeks in the hospital, I am quite well now. I lost a lot of weight in the hospital. Originally I was 357 then lost 130 lbs by myself with a lot of hunger problems, then gained 20 lbs. back but while I was in the hospital I lost 25 lbs and went down to 206. Now I am around 215 and it doesn't move at least I hope so. I am avoiding the scale and indulging in most foods as much as I can hold. I am not proud of this but I'm fighting a battle about food continuously. I do as much exercise as possible but even though it is more than I ever used to do, it's not enough when I look at my ugly wings underneath my arms and my huge legs. It's quite depressing because I know I'll never be able to have the surgery required to restore the arms and legs to whatever normal is. Now I am having purple spots all over my arms, stomach and legs. I will see the dermatologist in August and determine what that is. Other than my complaints which I know are minimal, I am in fairly good health for a person of 66. Thanks for listening Saundra Gross
JoAnn V.
on 7/11/07 12:59 am - Fredericksuburg, IA
Topic: bowel obstruction
I too had a bowel obstruction back in April of 2006. I am 4 years out now and just got done with a hernia operation 2 weeks ago. Things are going pretty good now. With the obstruction, I ended up with a colostomy which was reversed last October. Following that, I had adhesions at the end of October. The obstruction almost killed me since I was bleeding out. It was very painful. I'm thinking that the warning signs were there when I went for my annual physical the September before that. I was having pain off and on by my left hip bone. That is the bowel area but the only way to find out what it was is by a CT scan. I decided it was nothing, but boy was I wrong. If any of you have pain in that area, don't ignore it like I did. It could cost you your life! My doctor said that the membrane surrounding the colon is padded with fat. Mine didn't have hardley any fat on it at all, so that is why the colon twisted. He had to take a foot of my intestines out. I am really lucky that I have such a wonderful doctor. I have lost 121 pounds and have kept it off. I am now in a size 8 from a 24. Good luck to all of you, but DO NOT IGNORE any pain that you may have. It could be a sign of bad things to come.
Paula B.
on 2/12/07 1:53 am - Troup, TX
Topic: RE: Help
Well, I can actually say that none of us are alone. I did really well, lost all my weight got down smaller than I thought that I would and was feeling great. Had some health problems, divorce, job change, moved and all that combined caused some weight gain. I was 280/140 but in the last 2 years I have gained 30 lbs. I am still thankful that Im not 280 anymore but I know that I have to get back on track. Good luck to everyone trying to get back on the wagon. Paula 280/140/170
on 1/21/07 6:18 am
Topic: RE: July 2006 Post-Op 3-years!
July 3rd was 3 years for me and i have been doing pretty good i went from a size 24 to a comfortable 12 and i'm happy. I'm 61 years old have lost almost 100 lbs since my surgery. I seem to be staying at 135lbs which is good seeing as i'm only 4' 11" my dr. still would like me to lost more weight, but come on i'm 61 and very happy with this weight.
Carmen Perez
on 8/6/06 4:22 am - Raleigh, NC
Topic: RE: July 2006 Post-Op 3-years!
Well, I'm doing good, except I've gained like 20 pounds and I am starting to panick, I had lost a total of 85 pounds in one year and to me is not a lot compared to other people. My calcium and everything else has beeb fine, I eat a little more than befor e but not too much so I don't understand why I've gained weight, is true that i gained the weight about 10 months ago and it has stayed that way but I would like to loose 40 more pounds and I'll be happy.
Ann N.
on 7/31/06 10:36 am - FL
Topic: July 2006 Post-Op 3-years!
Isn't it exciting? 3 years have passed and I am doing pretty well. So far my weight stays within a 5-pound window. My only complication this year was a bowel obstruction in May 2006 that I was in the hospital about 8 days for and recovery has been rather slow and I'm battling with being anemic, so my Dr. started me on an Iron regimen. I faithfully take my multi-vitamin and 1500 Calcium with Vit D & K every day..since my surgery. How about all of you?
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