It's been a while...
It has been quite a while since I've been to this site. I became very, very discouraged that I've only lost 100 - 112 (depending on cycle - yes, I flex by 12 pounds once a month!!!), when I was hoping to lose 160 to 180 pounds. I went from 322 to 210/222, from a size 34 to 18/20. I haven't made any further progress over the last year and have been stuck at 210. I exercised and ate right (most of the time), but my body was just determined to go no further, so I gave up... and guess what? I haven't gone anywhere! I'm wondering if I should have even bothered with exercise, etc., because I'm not gaining or losing. A few days ago, I started walking again (boy, am I sore today!!) so maybe that will re-kick-start my weight loss. Keep your fingers crossed. I'm going back to the post-op high-protein diet for a few weeks and, together with the exercise, maybe I'll start to lose weight. Of course, my life has been super-stressful ever since I had the gastric bypass, so that might explain the lack of weight loss. Who knows? All I know is that I've been really stressed out and disappointed not only with my weight loss but my overall lack of progress everywhere in my life: I'm still stuck at the same dead-end job I've been in for the last 12 years; I can't get a new car or afford to fix my old one since the bankruptcy/foreclosure events last year; I'm still living in a hole-in-the-wall apartment off my parents' garage (yes, it does feel like I'm living at home with Mommy and Daddy again - a real ego-buster, if you ask me); and I am still in debt and broke even now, one full year post-bankruptcy. What the
can I do to get my life back together again???
Oops - OK, sorry... Looks like I've unloaded on all of you. I really wanted to know if anyone else is disappointed with the results of their surgery?? Post and let us know!!!

Hi Deana,
I too only lost 127lbs. I hear and read stories all the time of women who have lost much more weight than us. I was 297 and weigh now 170. But you have to remember it's only a tool to get you jump started as a new way of eating for the rest of your life. Walk everywhere and everyday if you can. Park far away from all entrances to shopping malls, pharmacies, and supermarkets. Don't forget to drink 64 oz. of water everyday and eat that protein first. Good luck to you.... I know how you feel----but I'm sure you feel better than you did 100 lbs. HEAVIER!!!, right??
Don't settle for a job that you are not happy with. You know if you love what you do you'll never work a day in your life. Think about that.........good luck---------Angie