How are you July 2003'ers doing???
I am Super Super proud of what I have disappeared into ..
I had some diffacultys right after my surgery.. 7/21/03..
I have gone from a size 5X and 6 X in mens sweat cloths !! My biggest weight was 367 pounds.. I am now down to 135-140 depending the time of day day of the month, or what I have drank.. I am now wearing size 5/6..
I am doing well since surgery 7/7/2003. I weighed 234 and went down to 120 for over a year. Now I am fighting the rebound we have all heard about. I went from a size 18/20 to a size 2. I can still wear my 2's but I have gained 7 pounds. I am noticing them getting a little the fight to stay there! I would like to have a lower body lift and breast implants. But I know insurance won't cover them and until some unknown windfall comes I will have to be content with where I am. I am happy as long as I have my capri pants on! And wonder bras are awesome! I am enjoying reading how everyone else is doing.