Sagging arms?
I wear longer sleeves and have been saving my money for PS. My kids like to touch "the bat wings" like its silly putty or somthing.
My arms dont bother me as much as my tummy area and my breasts. I too am very thankful for WLS, I guess loose skin is just another part of our journey. On the brite side...loose skin is better than 100+ extra pounds.
Best wishes

I have sagging arms also, it doesn't bother me as much now that I have lost so much weight. I wear the 3/4 length sleeves which is really nice, I don't notice my arms as much. I heard plastic surgery on the arms leaves a scar, so either way I will more than likely continue to wear the 3/4 length sleeves if I decide to have the PS. I have a stomach also, but I try and wear clothes that makes my stomach look this is a surgery I would love to have TT. I know we suppose to wait until we are out atleast 18 months, and we have lost as much as we would like to loose. Hang in there just go with the flow. Take care, and GOD BLESS!
i had a full tt, hernia repair and inner thigh lift. my scar for my thighs is in the panty line only and not going down my leg. next year i think i'm getting a armlift. i'm getting the armpit incision so i can go sleeveless. there is another way to do the armlift with a BIG honker incision going from armpit to elbow.....not for me. i think it depends on how much lose skin you have on which you can get. i'm in delaware and the cost everthing included for the armlift is $3500. so when i get my tax money back that's what i'm doing with it.