I'm a loser again!!!
Just an update.... a few weeks ago I sought out the wls web page and asked for your support. I started drinking more water as I was told... and I hooked up with a guy at work who is working out with me. He's extremely handsome, muscular and in tip top shape, (which helps with my motivation to show up at the gym.. LOL) Anyway, I've been motivated by all your kind words .. and having him there for me has helped me so much now I've lost 4 pounds in a week and I feel like it's going to keep going down.
I also scheduled an appointment with a plastic surgeon for June 20th just to ask what he thinks I can do to avoid the most surgical work, ie: skin creams, etc.. I'll post if he has anything helpful to say. It's too early yet for me to worry about scheduling anything, but I figured just incase I could be doing something along the way to help avoid more surgery I'd make an appointment!
Thanks again to everyone who's emailed me with your encouragement!!!!
especially Kacee
nice to have a friend close in location to talk to!