New here and sad
I have been looking over the posts and it saddens me to see so many people with the same surgery month as me all ready at or close to goal. I started at 300 and have lost 105. I am 195 and need to lose 50 more pounds. Surgery date was 7/8/03
Don't get me wrong. i am happy for those who are doing so well, and i know I shouldn't compare, but..........
carliyce, dont be sad be
You have lost 105 pounds
. Just imagine if you were still having to walk around with that extra weight 105. You must feel a lot more
are you drinking alot of water and exercising?
I know it is no fun but you are doing great. I
me if your feeling
[email protected] and need to
Your friend

HI Carlyce,
Don't be sad, I had my surgery on 7/10/04 and started out at 299, and am now 198. I sometimes too, feel like it is going too slow, compared to others, but, I have also seen others just like us. That is still over 100 #'s gone, and though it is slow, it is still going down. I know that I could add excersize, and lower some carbs.....which I have not done yet....but, I am still losing....and even if I stayed where I am right now, I would feel and look great. I have heard it takes a good 18 mos to 2 years for the weight loss to stop, so, as far as time we are only 1/2 way there for our weight loss to keep going. Hang in there it is still fantastic....100 lbs....I NEVER NEVER thought I could ever lose that much....Renee
I feel your pain. My dr just told me that my window of weight loss is coming to an end. I had my surgery in July as well. I thought that it was 18 also. I feel saddened to know that I may not make my goal weight, but you have to remember that what you have accomplished so far is wonderful. My son is 60 pounds and I can not pick him up anymore. Imagine if I was still carrying around the 95 that I have since lost. WOW your body is thanking you in ways you do not even know. Best of luck to reach your goal. You will make it.
Hello Carlyce,
first of all, sorry for my bad english but I only learned it in school in germany.
So, I had surgery in July as well and I lost 100 pounds so far. My starting weight was about 344 pound. I am happy with my loosing an I hope it will going on with that. I am also not glad that it is not more weight so far - but then I have to remember myself that the last time I was on this weigth before I have been 18 years old - an now I am 34. So - I think we can be happy with that.
Don't fret over that. We all have peaks and valleys. Your body is adjusting to the new weight and now you have to in your habits as weel. I had a 2 1/2 month plateau. I was 323 at consult, 299 day of surgerya and I am now 165. At my plateau I was 179 and then I got sick and had no appetite. DRINK YOUR WATER. While I was sick that is all I wanted to drink and the weight was falling off. You will be fine and don't compare your results to other people.
I had my surgery on July 3, 2003, I started in April of 2003 at my consult at 377 lbs.. at the day of surgery I was 356, right now I am 230. I want to slap myself in the head when I sit here and wish I was losing more because I enver in a million years would be here without the surgery but I can't help to feel bad when I try to "compare" myself to others. So, my advice is to look at all those before pictures
It helps me.

Hi Carlyce,
My name is Jean I am from NH and had surgery last July 31st I had major complications and almost died 3 times I was hospitalized for almost 2 months I started at 390 Im down 124lbs But im so depressed because I have alot more to lose but Im here with my 3 children and my wonderful husband so don't be sad your on the right track and you have your health and alot of support at least from this sight so good luck on your endeavor and stay healthy......

Hey- please try not to feel so sad- that goes for all of us, me included. I know how disappointing it can be when your own losses don't match others', especially when we've read about all these fabulous success stories of people making goal in under a year. I know I often feel like a failure, like I can't even make THIS work. But losing slower has meant better skin response and I haven't had to fork out a ton of money for new clothes. I try to squelch those jealous feelings and just work on myself because that's all you can really do. I was 370 at my consult, 356 on the day on my surgery (7/22/03) and now I'm 240. I still have 65-90 pounds left to go and it often seems daunting. I am just SO tired of constantly battling the weight. But I know if I give up, I will end up right back where I started. So, stay strong and focus on small, managable changes, like an extra glass of water, or an extra 5 minutes of exercise. Good luck!!!!