I sure miss my hair!!
Since my surg. I've learned to handle all the side effects except for 1. I sure miss my hair. I understand that it should -- eventually come back. But I did not have that much to start with. Also because of the weakend condition, well let's say that now everyone knows, not just my hair dresser!!!! I guess it could be worse, I could be bald or gray headed.
OH sweetie your hair will grow back thicker and more healther then it was per op.. it is just a matter of time trust me.. lol
Per op I had hair so long I sat on it.. lol I went down and donated it to locks for love.. Boy they just WACKED it way up to the middle of my ears!! Talk about a culture SHOCK!! the lady that did the cut I was her first person to get one from her.. lol and she had NO IDEA what she was doing!! She ask me what I wanted done I told her to just cut it.. lol BAD MISTAKE!! She didn't style it!! She put in about 5 braids around my head and cut off the braids!!left it uneven as all get out!! It was left like that too.. I was in MOST SHOCK!! I tryed to get them to do something to make it look 1/2 way desent and the other lady there told me that she didn't know what to do to fix this mess!! I know now I will never be able to donate my hair again due to what happen!! Talk about missing my hair!! my family was in total discuss !! I figured that if I could live through that hair cut, I could live through anything!! on the brighter side it has now grown out to my shoulders a bit thinner now but now I can get it trimmed to a style that would fit me..
the point I am trying to make is hair is only hair, it grows and we trim it, you are now taking good vitamins giveing the hair what it needs to be healthy and strong.. you will be fine trust me.. Audrey
I hear ya sister! I had no problems and very few side effects until the day I had my hair pulled back with a elastic headband and when I took it out, BAM! I could see the indentation of the headband across my skull. Talk about Major Freak Out! So, I started taking Biotin (a suplement you can get at GNC or any health food store) and then I found the Wonder Cure (not really a cure, but it really worked miracles for me). My cousin, who had just had a baby and losing her hair, told me about a treatment her hair dresser told her about. It's a product called Nioxin. It was created for Cancer patients going through Kemo. There's a whole line of stuff, but if you use the Shampoo, conditioner and leave in scalp therapy, you will see new hair coming in within two weeks! I tried it and I'm telling you, I look like a Monchichi doll with all the new sprouts of hair all over my head! It's all wild and crazy! It's not cheap, but it was definately worth it for me.
Thanks for the response. I've been taking biotin for about a month and have ordered the Nioxin products already from my hair dresser,they will be in on tuesday. ( HA, my hair dresser, he's had nothing to cut or fix for the last 2 1/2 months.) I really should not have anything to complain about. I have lost 170 since my surg. 07/07/03. I did not have any of the pain and problems some seem to have had post-op,other than the side effects from massive amounts of steriods for my breathing. But that did not last but a few days. Other than living on gas-x, which I know I should not do,it's really been quite easy. I hope the last 120 goes as well.
Cindy, Talk about hair loss I was so
when it started falling out in clumps. I had fine hair to begin with but alot of it. To top it off i am a hairdresser. I wanted to
it back if i were a magician . I even was telling the gals at work i will need a wig soon
. I am almost nine months post op and it is falling out less but still falling out. I would also sugest nioxin, i have not tried it but heard it is good. I have bleached blonde hair and use shampoo that thickens the hair it does work
. I have lost around 120 pounds 20 more to go
If you need a friend to talk with email me at [email protected]
I need someone to talk to that has gone through the same things i have.

I am experiencing hair loss too, and when I talked to my hair dresser about the Nioxin products she told me that they were great, but once you started using them you pretty much had to stay using them. She told me that once you stopped using the Nioxin, any hair that it had helped produce growth for, would LIKELY fall out. Anyone know if that is true?
I NEED to do something.. or at the very least find a new style for my fine .. and thinning hair.
It isn't falling out as bad now, but other than Biotin, I'm not sure what else to take to help it grow back.
Any ideas??