First POST-OP Appointment.
Hello everyone,
Today I went in for my first post-op appointment.. WOOOOOOO HOOOOOO I am down 30 pounds, in just 15 days!!
Can you believe this 30 pounds in just 15 days!! Now I did get talked to about my protine levals are down to 6 and should be up in the neighborhood of 30-50 atleast.. SO I know haft to do alot of protine mixes in everything, soups, shakes, in my water, in my jello.. However I am progressing into strained foods now.. WOOOO HOOOOOOOOO I am comming along now.. And I get to start exercising now.. I haven't been able to do so sence my oxygen leavels were dropping into the 50 ranges.. SO now I get to walk around the block and so forth .. I am so excieted about this all... Audrey