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Kevin H.
on 7/11/12 10:51 pm - Washington, DC
Topic: Hello Everybody! Wow it was 10 years ago!!!!
I joined this site about ten years ago, a lot has changed since then.  I have not gained a significant amount of weight since my weight loss surgery ten years ago (about 25 lbs. from 186lbs. to 204lbs., I have been 204lbs. for about 7 years) and members keep up the good work !!!
on 3/29/09 10:01 pm - BUFFALO, NY
Hi all, Just checking in.I havent been on this site in a very long time.How is everyone doing? Im so-so.I cant believe its gonna be 7 yrs since surgery. Time sure does go by fast.Lets see, since my gastric bypass Ive had a few other surgeries.Not all related to gastric bypass.Ive lost a total of 135 lbs. I have gained 30 lbs back but did the 5dpt and lost 35lbs.I am still struggling with my chocolate. Im a CHOCOHOLIC. I just had my yearly bloodwork done and I have a few test results that came back in high. My ZINC, LIVER,KIDNEYS,CARBON DIOXIDE all came back high.And Im dehydrated alittle too.Ive been haveing a problem with leg cramps that have gotten to a point where I can not tolerate them anymore so Im making a appointment with my MD. today.It hurts just to touch my legs. My left one is worse then my right.It feels like the bone is hurting.I dont understand why Im having the cramps because the first thing you think about is CALCIUM and my calcium is fine.
Well anyways.Hope you all have a Great Day.Take Care-Debbie
on 3/27/08 1:09 pm - FL
Topic: RE: Is anyone doing plastic Surgery yet?
Finally I was able to have insurance pay for the hospital portion of my tt. We will see if they also pay the anesthesiologists and the surgeon. But I went ahead deciding that even if I had to pay for this myself i was getting this done. The results are great! Not picture perfect by any means but I really didn't care about that. I am now a consistent size in jeans from the thighs to the waist. I'm about a half to a full size smaller and am looking forward to buying more pants! I sorta wish I'd gone the whole hog and had the PS throw in a couple tripple E's but hey! I tease people that I'm going in for my "after" pic in a Slash tophat and chain around the waist with a pair of chaps--i wouldn't put it past me! By the way, when i asked the PS if he would pierce my new belly button he politely turned me down! grinnin from ear to ear, Dawn
on 7/7/07 12:17 am - BUFFALO, NY
Topic: RE: 3+ years post op - slow gaining
Hi laineer, today I am 5yrs post op.I have gained 25lbs back due to having a broken foot for 5 months.The dr I was seeing didnt know what he was doing.I went to another dr and I just had foot surgery done so now im waiting for the ok to start exercising again.I can walk but not far because my foot still hurts.Pain....Yes I sure do know what pain is.Since gastric bypass, I was in a car accident 11 days after having my plastics done.I now have a artificial disc in my neck.And on pain pills for the rest of my life.As far as eating, sometimes I can eat almost half a sub and then other times just a couple bites of something then im done.I know weird.Lol.I still bring up phlem either during my eating or right after.Not all the time but most of the time. I cant eat any white meats at all, and when I eat pasta I have to eat very very very slowly and then thatll come up to.Sometimes I wonder if it was really worth it.Debbie
on 7/6/07 11:51 pm - BUFFALO, NY
hi, here it is 5yrs today and im still having the shakes and my elbows will feel weak.if i eat something ill feel alittle better.i always thought that when your sugar is low you need to eat something sweet.
on 6/15/07 9:46 am - Fort Worth, TX
Topic: RE: 3+ years post op - slow gaining
Hi Becky, Yes, I am 5 years post op Open RNY non transected and I am gaining 5-10 pounds a month. Had lost all of my surgery date is 7_02 also. I weighed 256 and lowest was 134 and now I am back to 170-180. I am so upset. I have been to 4 docs and all seem to say the same thing. Read my latest post on Texas forum to give you an idea of what I've been going through. What are your symptoms? Hope to hear back from you. I am scared and depressed and angry. My weight stayed off for 4 years until one night of pain in June of 06. I could only eat a few bites back then and gradually 5 pounds a month it is coming back. Now I am hungry all the time and can eat a football. Im so tired of tests and rejections,. Let me know about you. Let's compare notes. Lainee Laineer
Becky M.
on 3/26/07 2:32 am - Sioux City, IA
Topic: 3+ years post op - slow gaining
Been 2 years since I've wrote/posted. I had surgery 7/02 at 262 - dropped to the lowest at 138. Seems like I gain at 5 lb increments. My weight currently is at 158. So there has been a gain. I need to do something because I am beginning the depressed feelings since gaining. I plan to follow WW online for a few weeks/months and see if I can get back down to @ 150. I think if I just follow the basics again, and watch what I eat, and do a bit of exercise - I can do it. (I hope). The past year, I know that I have not been doing what I need to- and I need to be back on track. I will check in again sooner! Anyone have this problem?
on 7/29/06 11:55 am - FL
Topic: RE: Is anyone doing plastic Surgery yet?
Here's what I learned on my second plastic surgery try with Insurance. My insurance plan WANTS to pay the dermatologist for every single rash I have and for prescription medicine I am never going to use because the OTC powder works better. But whatever. I can afford the copay. Number two. I need to take charge of the photo process in the P Surgeon's office. Both of them took far too modest photos and did not show enough overhang. This was another reason for a rejection letter. Number three. I didn't lose enough weight with the Band. So if I want PS paid for I have to go on an old fashioned diet (!) and keep weight off long enough for it to register with some Dr for purposes of my quest. Wish me luck! Dawn
on 7/2/06 1:45 am - SAn Diego, CA
The only thing I can say is when the doctor says you should "eat something" it doesn't mean eat anything. Protein is the only way to go. Eat lots of protein- and not protein drinks as they have way too much sugar- eat some meat or cheese or egg. My mom has hypoglycemia and she swears by a high protein, low carb diet and stay away from all sugars- even fruit. Eat lots of veggies if you feel like munching. Good luck, Kathy
on 4/12/06 11:43 pm - Clearfield, PA
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3+ years post op - slow gaining
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