Hi Everyone!
My name is Jennifer "Jenny" Shaw. I celebrated my 31st birthday this past May 12th, and my WLS 2nd anniversary on this past 07/31/04. I'm happy to say I was in 10lbs of my 165lb goal when I learned I was pregnant with my 2nd child. I had a pannilectomy done this past Jan. 15th, so it'll be intresting to see where I am at in about 7 months. The incision is paper thin and very low, so I feel I'll do okay since I tend to carry "high". At 3 1/2 months, I'm at a 15 lb weight gain, and the baby is measuring right on as far as pregnancy goes. Did recent blood work up, and may have inherited a hypothyroid problem from my lovely grandmother & mother, but hey ...it's all controlled daily with a prescribed pill. I have been extremely morning sick with this baby, unlike with my son. Feeling better day by day, and can't wait to see if it's a boy or a girl. Take care~ Just wanted to update some of my current life changes. Thanks! Jenny Shaw