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Topic: RE: Home from the hospital!!!
Hey ladies!
I guess we all had the same week!
I was sleeved Tuesday and came home Thursday.
I'm not getting in all the fluid and protein but I'm doing the best I can.
I feel SO damned full. I think he made my sleeve only able to take in 3 oz max
I bought 3 oz cups and thats what I use for my protein shakes, which I just mix with skim milk
I'm also drinking gatorade over water for the electrolytes
My biggest issue at first was the gas, but when that released, I swear I saw heaven lol
I guess we all had the same week!
I was sleeved Tuesday and came home Thursday.
I'm not getting in all the fluid and protein but I'm doing the best I can.
I feel SO damned full. I think he made my sleeve only able to take in 3 oz max
I bought 3 oz cups and thats what I use for my protein shakes, which I just mix with skim milk
I'm also drinking gatorade over water for the electrolytes
My biggest issue at first was the gas, but when that released, I swear I saw heaven lol
Topic: RE: I am getting scared

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180
Just calm down and try to RELAX! You haven't gotten this far for nothing sweetie! I just got home from mine yesterday. All went well. You are only giving up food for a short time. You can eat again eventually, just not the proportions you did before and just have to be more cautious as to what you are eating. I promise you, the past two days I have had my family cook and eat in front me and I never even wanted a bite! Good luck and look forward to meeting you on the Loser's Bench!
"When you know better, you do better." ~Maya Angelou~

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180
Topic: RE: surgery Monday!

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180
I just got home from mine yesterday. All went great with mine and yours should too! Just try to RELAX! I can give you a list of things I took (mainly because I lived 40+ miles away from the hospital and nobody was going to be coming to/from the hosp. to bring me things so I wanted to be prepared) but in all reality, I didn't need much of what I brought. Top of the list would be pads (some have spotting after catheter, lucky me my cycle started a wk early the day after surgery) and chapstick. But if you want my full list, PM me glad to share. I had had surgery before so not much surprised me. I was lucky and did not have drains and little pain with mine. I had more pain in my shoulders and back from using back/shoulder muscles to lift in/out of bed. I brought my own pillow mainly for the ride home but ended up loving it more for getting comfy in the hosp. bed. See you on the loser's bench!
"When you know better, you do better." ~Maya Angelou~

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180
Topic: RE: Home from the hospital!!!

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180
Great to hear! I came home yesterday as well. All went well and no complications! More sore from my shoulder/back muscles lifting me in/out of bed to protect the stitches.

"When you know better, you do better." ~Maya Angelou~

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180
Topic: RE: Surgery in a few hours

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180
Can't remember if I responded to one of your other posts already or not, you should be next to me on the Loser's Bench by now. Hope all went well and you are walk, walk, walking and sip, sip, sipping! Congrats!
"When you know better, you do better." ~Maya Angelou~

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180
Topic: RE: I have my sleeve now!

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180
I got home yesterday and have found that things that tasted ok before surgery definitely taste different now. My Proten2Go that I got to add to my water to help in the beginning to get in my protein tastes like I am drinking my multi vitamin. It didn't taste like that before to me. UGH!
It took me from about 10 a.m this morning to almost 4 pm to get down an 11 oz Premier shake. It still tastes good and I am ok with that, but not sure how to get the rest of the protein and fluids in as I feel full as a tic!! But I am just gonna take it one day at a time. I got in 30g protein and will sip on my water until I go to bed and through the night so baby steps is best.
Not sure about your Dr, mine said it is ok to do SF pudding, creme soups, etc so if yours ok'd that, maybe try yogurt as it has some protein in it. Just dont eat the fruit chunks yet.
It took me from about 10 a.m this morning to almost 4 pm to get down an 11 oz Premier shake. It still tastes good and I am ok with that, but not sure how to get the rest of the protein and fluids in as I feel full as a tic!! But I am just gonna take it one day at a time. I got in 30g protein and will sip on my water until I go to bed and through the night so baby steps is best.
Not sure about your Dr, mine said it is ok to do SF pudding, creme soups, etc so if yours ok'd that, maybe try yogurt as it has some protein in it. Just dont eat the fruit chunks yet.
"When you know better, you do better." ~Maya Angelou~

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180
Topic: RE: I'm Home!!!!

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180
Congratulations! I am right behind ya! I came home yesterday. All went well and doing good!
"When you know better, you do better." ~Maya Angelou~

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180
Topic: RE: 5 DAYS left! Knoxville tn

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180
Well just a few days left to go! I just got home yesterday from mine. All went great and I am doing/feeling great! My family don't know what to do w/me not eating with them though. ha ha Be at peace and RELAX!! See you on the Loser's Bench!
"When you know better, you do better." ~Maya Angelou~

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180
Topic: RE: home from hospital

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180
Glad all went well, sorry for the pain from the tubes. Thankfully, my doc doesn't use them unless absolutely necessary. I got home yesterday. I haven't hardly needed any pain meds either. Was SO GLAD when I found out they did not use morphine!! I hate that stuff! Will write about it all on my blog later.
"When you know better, you do better." ~Maya Angelou~

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180
Topic: RE: 2days left

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180
Well as I type you should be already over on the Loser's Bench right beside me! My surgery went great and no problems at all. Came home yesterday. Will fill in my blog page later.
"When you know better, you do better." ~Maya Angelou~

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180