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Topic: RE: 5 days post op
I have loads of samples of different protein. so far all I can stomach is the unflavored mixed in some soup. The flavored i loved before makes me sick to my stomach. Strange how we can change overnight huh. My husband is WONDERFUL. He was against the surgery but takes such good care of me and walks with me daily. Im going back to work tomorrow.
Glad to see that you are home. I got home Saturday the 25th. How are you doing with gas? My gas is bad. Started passing last night and today. So glad to get this stuff out of me. I got up about 4am to start the intake of fluids and vitiamins. I walked thismoring and then I feel alseep about 9am. I will be heading to store with DH to pick up some nic nacs. My babies will be taking care of me tommorrow.
Talk to you later and take later.
Talk to you later and take later.
Topic: I'M HOME!!!!!!
Hey everybody, I came home on Saturday. It was a long drive and had to stop every 30mins to walk. But I am glad to be back. I have been walking in the the evenings when it cools off and short walks from door step to mail box. I've been drink ing water trying to find the right temp that won't cause me pain. I think by it being ice cold I get the spasm feeling. Or i could be gas just moving around. I finally passed gas late night. YEAH!!!!! And as I wringing this I belched. I still have a lot of air in me on my left side mostly.
I've been keeping track of my water intake pills and protein. sipping on Nectar strawberry flavor. I am on full liquid which consist of cream soup...yum....I will be going back to work on July 11. Until then my pre-teen and teenager will be taking care of me while DH is at work.
I feel good, really good, I remember when I weigh 165 in my early twenties and I will be going back down that road.
My DH is so great....I tell him thank you everyday. I made cream of mushroom soup for me strained it and pour it into ice trays, each little hole is 1oz so when I ready to eat I just pop out a cube or two put in microwave and enjoy. WHAT A MAN!!!!!
My kids going walking with me and stay up on my fluid intake. Only thing my daughter keeps trying to drink me protein shakes so I gotta hide the packs from her.
I can take to bandages off tomorrow, but leave the strips on. Other then it's HOT as HADES here I'm doing great.
I've been keeping track of my water intake pills and protein. sipping on Nectar strawberry flavor. I am on full liquid which consist of cream soup...yum....I will be going back to work on July 11. Until then my pre-teen and teenager will be taking care of me while DH is at work.
I feel good, really good, I remember when I weigh 165 in my early twenties and I will be going back down that road.
My DH is so great....I tell him thank you everyday. I made cream of mushroom soup for me strained it and pour it into ice trays, each little hole is 1oz so when I ready to eat I just pop out a cube or two put in microwave and enjoy. WHAT A MAN!!!!!
My kids going walking with me and stay up on my fluid intake. Only thing my daughter keeps trying to drink me protein shakes so I gotta hide the packs from her.
I can take to bandages off tomorrow, but leave the strips on. Other then it's HOT as HADES here I'm doing great.
Topic: RE: 5 days post op
Hi congrats. I just started the full liquid diet today. one thing i had to do is add a little water to my protein shake because it does taste to sweet. we shall see how the day goes. i am still a little sore but i am getting around and walking daily. went to the mall on friday and grocery store yesterday. i found with me walking helps alot. but it has been hard getting all my lquids in for the day i have gotten to about 34 ozs.
Topic: RE: 5 days post op
My physician insists on the G-tube and leaves it in 7-30 days depending on the patient. I can't complain too much he has done this for 25 years and is a centers of excellence physician in this kind of work. Not all drs require it tho.
Topic: RE: Home from the hospital!!!
Iam glad to hear that you are home and doing well. I got home on Thursday and am doing okay. While in the hospital they had a hard time keeping my pain under control. I am still in a lot of pain and I am taking my pain meds regularly. I still have my drain tube in but that comes out on Thursday (hopefully). I am glad that I have not had a problem with nausea and vomiting. I am not able to get in all of the protein or water that I am supposed to be getting in. Honestly, and this has NEVER been an issue for me, but I forget to eat and drink. I just dont feel hungry at all. It is so weird.
I am glad to see the others who have had surgery are doing well.
Have a great day everyone.
I am glad to see the others who have had surgery are doing well.
Have a great day everyone.
So good to hear that you are home and doing well. I am just one day behind you and I agree it hurts to laugh and cough! LOL
Take care of yourself!