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Wow your doing great . I was Sleeved June 28th and doing fine .
Down 33lbs since surgery

People have noticed. Those that did not know about the surgery are just amazed at the difference.
I have discovered that I am lactose intolerant. I can eat cheese and yogurt but not milk. I am using almond milk but I don't like that it does not have any protein. I am going to try soy to see if I like the taste (or at least not hate the taste).
Other than that the only food I have trouble with is chicken unless it is canned made into chicken salad.
"When you know better, you do better." ~Maya Angelou~

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180
Sorry you can't have lettuce. That has been my saving grace at meals. I feel like I can eat more when I have a small salad with my meat. I have a real hard time just eating meat by itself w/out some other texture and flavor every other bite or so. I literally feel like I might gag.
Tell me how your biking went. I haven't been on a bike in years! I was thinking the other day that may be a goal for me to work towards. Sadly though, there isn't anywhere safe near my home to ride, so would probably have to drive in somewhere to use it.
"When you know better, you do better." ~Maya Angelou~

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180
Doing well. I have lost 53 lbs since my surgery date on 6/30. I have not had any complications and only got sick twice due to eating toooo fast. I love losing the weight. I have discarded some clothes and found some clothes that I can now get into. I have lost about 5 inches off my waist. I feel so much better. I can bend over and put on my shoes and pick things off of the floor. I am having some issues with constipation but other than that....I think I made the best decision of my life. I feel happy and love that I can move more freely.
Oh it seems like forever since I have been on OH! I LIVED on this site pre-op and life keeps going on and I haven't had much time to get on here! Have wondered how all the Junies have been doing! I updated my blog, feel free to peruse. Forgot to tape myself this week so will do that in the morning then edit my post from tonight. This week is 9 wks post-op for me. Have lost a little over 55 lbs. Losing inches was going faster than the lbs for a while, but now the lbs are starting to catch up and the inch loss has slowed a bit. Have had no pain, no sickness (except what was mentioned in the blog), eating well and tolerating a lot more than I could have hoped for. This week I am wearing a 16/18 shirt. Hadn't worn shirts that small in a long time. "Growing" back in to old clothes (I should say shrinking in to them) I had not worn in a long time. My kids keep thinking that I have bought new clothes and I laugh and tell them that it does feel like that in a way! Have donated two bags of clothes to someone in need that I can no longer wear as they are WAY TOO BIG! YESSSS!! Tell me how you all are doing, what you are doing/eating, new tips/trick you have had to learn, etc.
"When you know better, you do better." ~Maya Angelou~

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180