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Amarillo, TX
29 yrs old, 5'8.5"
Highest/Surgery/Current/Surgeons Goal/My Goal
289 / 274 / 195 / 170 / 150
Here is my slide show...if you wanna look. Here are our family pics from Oct 2010
Do you have a Facebook account? I do! Look me up and add me Courtney Clark-Lamberson, just put OH in the request (so I know I know you!)
Thank you Kelly,
I hear ya. Fortunately, for us my husband's insurance paid for it. Unfortunately, I've never had a solid family and that's what continues to hurt you know. Especially, because I have children now. Just feels like things get worse as time goes by with their negative atittudes when they see something good happening. They eventually get to me.
I just hate the phrase turn the other cheek....Call me stubborn, but I can't. Sometimes, it just feels like I'm pushing everyone away and I guess it hurts more cuz they are family(blood) you know.
I pray too that it gets better! Thanks for listening
I must admit though i went to a family party on Sunday for my daughters 16th birthday and everyone was really surprised at the transformation. I also met up with my girls from work yesterday, i havent seen them since the op and they were also surprised.. Maybe i'm losing inches, i need to measure, but its still very disheartening not seeing it on the scales..
I'm also glad that i'm not the only one going through this...It would be nice to see what happens next month.
Funny though, the thought also crossed my mind that I would be the one person the surgery didn't work for!
My favorite is ground turkey with low-sugar marinara sauce and instead of noodles I make spaghetti squash (my family didn't even know the difference!)
Taco meat (I rinse the meat after cooking it to get all the grease off) with refried beans and just a little cheese on top
String cheese (good protein!)
Last night I made shredded (really shredded)rosemary chicken and baked it with different veggies with olive oil spray over the top
chili (with no chili powder though)
baked potatoes (no skin)
I'm making meatloaf tonight with ground turkey
I just got the okay this week to start eating salad!!!
Pretty much I just take normal recipes and adjust them so they are low sugar, low fat. My big restrictions at this point are no steak, no pork, and no fruit with skin. Of course, everyone is different, but these are the type of things I've been ok'd to eat. Hope that gives you some ideas. If you google bariatric surgery recipes or gastric bypass recipes that pulls up some good recipes!
There is hope for all the others:) Now if I get on there next week and its up - I'll lose my crap:)
You should always stand up for what you believe in and be who you are.... don't worry what all those others think. They are ignorant.. not you.
I hope this gets better for both of us..
I heard it's normal to feel tired due to the extra work your body is going thru to loose the weight. I do feel tired, but did even before the surgery. God just gives me enough strength to keep going and i zonk out once the girls are in bed. Majority of the time I knock out on the couch and don't wake til 2a-3a when I head to bed.
I have been on a funk, emotinally, but I think it goes hand in hand with the family issues I have(not with the hubby, but mom & aunt, brother & sister & dad)
I feel like I have worked so HARD to get to where I am today and struggled since I had no one besides God to loan me a hand and I don't think I've done so bad for myself. As a kid I was mistreated, walk-on, a push-over, abused and the list goes on. That now that I'm an a adult and on top of that a mother, I refuse to bend my arm for people's dishonesty, rudeness, or even the minor attempt to try and see me as a push over. I'm so emotinally exhausted! But yet to my family since I have an college education I shouldn't stand up to my beliefs. To them I'm too "white" or want to be. How rude is that!!! or I'm not Mexican enough. Whatever that means!!! Yet to my in-laws I'm too Mexican!!! So sad that never in my life I had to deal with something like this. Well at least not in my family. School is another story.
My thing is that I refuse to speak GHETTO as my siblings do! I am an adult and most importantly I have children who look up to me and want to repeat each and every word I say. I refuse to be that kind of example to my kids! It's sad! Then they want to lie to my face about things and get caught up. One of the many things I dislike is dishonesty and being a hipocrit! I can't force myself to have a conversation with someone who I know has lied to me about something especially if its grave you know! yet, I'm the one with the issues because I decide to back away and stay away.
Sorry I know this is kinda of the WLS topic... Didn't mean to unload on you hon, but thanks for reading..I hope and pray you feel better soon!

I've been trying not to freak out since I've seen many posts about this where you just hang tight and it changes again.
Anyone measuring during this time to see if inches are still coming off? I know I need to do this.
First consult 308/Surgery Date 269/Current 180/Goal 180