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Topic: It WAS June 1st.....
... But I postponed it to the 8th, for training at work. I cannot wait. This is going to be an amazing jouney and transformation.

Topic: RE: June 2 is the big day!!!
I have the same date as you, it will be here before we know it. Can't wait!
Topic: RE: Surgery 6-15-09
I look forward to sharing this experience with all of you. My date is June 8th.
Open DS - 6/8/09
Open DS - 6/8/09

VSG on 03/26/14
Topic: RE: Totally bummed out ... and ticked off!!
Thank you Brandi - your words help alot. When is your date, 6/15? If so, are you doing the pre-op diet and how is that going?
Topic: RE: Totally bummed out ... and ticked off!!
Hey there! I just checked out your profile. You are so beautiful. You can't give up now! You have come too far to turn back. I won't lie I would be very upset with this delay but look at it this way "it is still going to happen" Don't give up because if you do you will still be sitting here this time next year except you will be sorry that you didn't go through with it. I know how you feel . I am a teacher too and I purposefully planned my surgery for the 15th of June. I have been waiting since November though and if I had to wait a little longer I would because you know it will be worth it! Hang in there!