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Topic: RE: June 3 rebirth of a New woman
I am so excited for you! Pre-op is a "peice of cake" lol. I am sure you will do great!
Topic: RE: Approved June 2nd
Hi! My surgery is scheduled for 6-1-2009 and time is flying! I am on the pre-op diet, and counting the days! I am stocking up on things that I will need for after surgery so I will be ready! Good luck to ya'll!!!!
Topic: RE: It WAS June 1st.....
Hi! Mine is scheduled for 6-1! Good luck on your new journey! If you are like me, your excited and nervous! I cannot wait to see the new me!
Topic: RE: June 3 rebirth of a New woman
Hi! I am scheduled for 6-1-2009! I am totally excited. It is a huge step, but at least we are stepping in the right direction! Good luck to everyone!
Topic: RE: june 16th 2009
Congrads on your date! I go on the 1st, and cannot wait! I wish you the best of luck on your new journey!
Topic: 6-1-2009 Surgery Date!~!!!!
Hi! I saw where we could talk to people who are scheduled for June surgery! Words cannot express how I feel! I am nervous but excited! I am totally ready to start my new life. I have missed out on so much, but it is time for me to regain things back! I wish everyone the best of luck with their surgery! And look forward to meeting people who are on the same track!
Topic: RE: Totally bummed out ... and ticked off!!
Hi! I was just doing a search for people who are having surgery about the same time as me and saw your post. Just keep positive. You have come a very long way to stop now! Trust me, I am plenty of nervous! I am the person who literally walked out of a surgery to have a tooth pulled! lol. All kidding aside, just look at what you will gain! I have posted on my page a non fat bucket list on some things that I want to do. Read that if you want, it may help you look at the big soon to be smaller pic! Good luck and keep in touch!

Topic: RE: Totally bummed out ... and ticked off!!
Don't give up! You made it this far because you knew it was something you wanted to do. If you had to same hoops to jump though as I did, you had to be dedicated to the process. Just look at this extra time as a way to prepare better. Research more and plan. Don't give up!