I did it! I'm home and banded!
I can't believe I did this! The experience was good... wonderful nurses and people working with me. I am in some pain now, but just using Tylenol/Codeine, walking a lot, sipping lots of water and popsicles. Incisions look good. The hardest part is not being able to snuggle my little ones!!! But they understand for now. Husband is being helpful. The only issue I had which was unexpected was urinating after surgery. I'm pretty sure I had a cath. during the procedure, but late last night after trying several times, they had to cath me for me to go, and again today they did that. (Uncomfortable, but I was in pain from not being able to go!) I was doing y walking and sipping, but I guess it was the anesthesia. Anyway, thanks for the support so far, I hope to get to know some more of you on our journey!