3 days out

on 6/17/09 11:07 pm - Stone Ridge, NY
Well, had RYN on Monday. I'm still feeling really sore (like i've done a million sit-ups) The percoset is doing an OK job on the pain. Still have 2 drains in. Will have them in until i go for my one week post op appt. I certainly hope this is all worth it because right now, i'm feeling very unsure of my decision. I'm sure when my cloths start falling off, i'll change my tune. Well, going to rest a little. Take it easy.
Melissa True
on 6/17/09 11:14 pm - Augusta, ME
I had my surgery on Monday also, I think most people feel this way right after surgery. The pain is intense and makes us rethink why we would do such a thing to ourselves. That's another reason this site is so good for us....becuase we can see the other side- we will have many days we think twice about what we did but thats okay! We will make it through...you are not alone!
Baby girl Morgan born 5/28/10, 2 weeks before my 1 year surgiversary. Angel concieved 09/10, lost 10/13/10, was due in June 2011. Baby #2 (our rainbow) on their way, due 7/27/11- Miley Victoria or Maddox Michael
Make a pregnancy ticker

on 6/18/09 2:31 am - NE
I also had my RNY done on Monday and I feel like s""t.  Today is somewhat better than yesterday. I am getting a headache from the liquid pain medicine I was prescribed so than I take childrens IBUPROFEN which some on this site say you aren't supposed to take but my doctor said it would be fne. IDK. 
And I am super tired today. Like I can't function. I got up and showered at  6am and than ate a pudding  and went back to bed. Took pain meds than. 
Got up at 930 and drank a carnation instant breakfast with protien poweder than went back to bed until 1100. Wonder if  I am going to do this all day.
What are you two doing today?
on 6/18/09 7:17 am - Stone Ridge, NY
I'm trying my best to just take my pain meds and get my butt moving around a bit. I was perscribed regular percoset pills and i just crush them up and put them in a shot of water or apple juice. Seems to work really well. See if your docter will give you something stronger maybe. Being in pain is not condusive to a healing body. Good luck!
on 6/19/09 2:02 am
Mine was on Tuesday, so you guys are way ahead of me. . .  I'm still working on the gas bubbles in my gut and the gas pains in my shoulder from where they put CO2 in to inflate your belly so they can do the work.  The incisions themselves really don't hurt that much - sore, but not real bad. 

I'm like you, though - gosh I hope this is worth it.  I think I may blog something so when I'm tempted to break my diet in six months and eat whatever at Christmastime, I'll remind myself what I put myself through to get here!  I have one drain in until next Friday.  I know I need to walk a long way today.  I have to do something to break up this intestinal gas.
While the weight loss is easier with surgery, the lifestyle is harder.
(deactivated member)
on 6/19/09 4:04 am
I kind of had the same feeling myself.  But I know that in the long run it will be well worth it.  Hang in there!
on 6/22/09 12:54 am - Stone Ridge, NY
Well, a little update. I'm now 7 days out and feel good to great. First night out of the recliner and into the bed last night. Not such a good nights sleep. May go back to the recliner for a couple more days. Pain wise i'm doing great. No pain meds yesterday or today and barring someone kicking me in the gut, i'm probably done with them. I'm on stage 2 diet (mushy) and so far i've been able to eat and keep down everything i've tried. Even had a little(very little) watermelon yesterday. I go back Thurs. to get my drains out and hopefully get a little time table on when I can resume "normal" activities(minus the chowing down!).
on 7/1/09 6:53 am
I feel the same 2 days out of surgery.  Wonder if it's worth it.  Hope so.  Very gassy and a bit depressed.
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