RNY on June 29th .... YEEHAW

on 6/15/09 12:51 pm - Rome, GA

Well, my journey began one day in October, 2008, when I discovered that my insurance company would be covering Gastric By-Pass Surgery as of January 1, 2009.  A long awaited dream come true.  I anxiously awaited January 1st, with hopes that I would be able to have it immediately .... lol ... WRONG!!! I found out on Jauary 2nd that I would be required to go through 6 months of psychological counseling, as well as 6 months of treatment by a medical doctor who is monitoring my weight loss progress.  All for January ...... how we're looking at June.  My thoughts were ... I just don't think I'll make it until June!~!! But, here its June, and I got a call today from my case worked with insurance who informed me I was approved.  Shortly thereafter I received a call from Doctor's Office and said your surgery date is JUNE 29TH.  Gonna start on the high protein liquid diet starting tomorrow!! yippee!! I've been waiting forever, but I am going through so  many emotions today that I can't explain ...... wow ..... i go from  joyful .... to  crying .... what's up with me ? Anybody know????


Starting:  370, Current: 198.5, Goal: 190


on 6/16/09 1:02 am, edited 6/16/09 1:03 am
Congrats on finally getting a date. I don't think I could have survived the 6 months of psych and med treatment since I'm not a very patient person.  I feel like I've been waiting forever and this journey just started for me back in April. My surgery is on the 29th too. I definitely understand the crazy mix of emotions, but that comes with the territory I guess. I can go from super excited to terrified in the blink of an eye, but fortunately I go right back to being happy and excited again.
Good luck with the pre-op diet.....be good


on 6/16/09 6:38 am - Rome, GA

You're having your surgery on the same day ??? How cool is that ? lol ....

What  are you having to do for the pre-op diet ???  I am drinking 5 Bariatric Advantage Protein shakes a day or/ 4 shakes and a VERY LOW CALORIE/LOW FAT sensible meal.  I will probably choose the 4 with a meal. 

Are you having the Rou-N-Y??


Starting:  370, Current: 198.5, Goal: 190


Pippi Blankenship
on 6/17/09 8:07 am - WV
Hi, I am also having the surgery done on June 29th. I am having the gastric bypass done. I only have to be on a 2 day liquid diet. Hope every thing goes well for you.

Pippi L. Blankenship  

on 6/20/09 2:16 pm - Rome, GA
Lots of people having surgery on the 29th.  We'll all have a new birthday! June 29, 2009!!!!! Good luck ... and lucky you ... only 2 days of the protein!!


Starting:  370, Current: 198.5, Goal: 190


on 6/20/09 1:22 pm
I, too will be having the RNY on June 29th. Just like you happypeach, I began my joruney back in Oct. 2008 and was required to fulfill the insurance requirements. At first I had an issue with it and thought of the length of time but had a second thought and began to appreciate the psych eval and the NUT counseling to assure myself of no regrets. Not to mention Ilearned so much about food that weigh****chers and a few of the others dont break down to you. I am excited and nervous!!!! My doc is requiring me to began my liquid diet on June 22 along with preops,etc.

Have anyone began to purchase items that may be needed after surgery? If so, whic items? Also, what are you drinking for the protein shake??

Note: After being approved, I do feel as though I have forgotten all lessons...I think it's just nerves, temporary and it will all return once reality set in after surgery. I have read many posters mention the feeling compared to that of having buyers remorse after return to home and the first week or two out. Iguess we will see :)

                                                          ~NEVER SAY NEVER~

on 6/20/09 2:24 pm - Rome, GA
I now consider myself "certifiably crazy" ... with papers! lol.... Even though I really think counseling will benefit me much more AFTER the surgery, because that is when we will be dealing with our loss of food and how to cope.  I had to buy my protein drink from the doctor.  Two weeks worth was $105.00.  It's Bariatric AdvantageProtein Supplement. It comes in Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry & Coffee flavors.  I've been taking the vitamins since October, too.  I take Flintstones chewable complete w/zinc & magnesium, one in the morning and one at bedtime.  I take my calcium two hours after multi-vitamin twice a day.  They say that you have to wait at least two hours to take calcium because the iron from the multi-vitamin causes it not to be absorbed as it should.  I am having the B-12 shots monthly.  I was told the shots were better absorbed than the B-12 dots you put under your tongue.  I will stop taking calcium at surgery date, and wait 4 weeks before resuming it.  Something about the calcium is hard on the stomach in beginning.  Thank goodness I just took my nutrional classes a couple of weeks ago, or I would have to re-educate myself. 

Good luck on your surgery. 


Starting:  370, Current: 198.5, Goal: 190


on 6/21/09 2:30 am - OH
My surgery is the 29th too...I have been on the preop diet for about 3 weeks now and lost around 14 lbs.  Whenever I get discouraged i go look at the before and after pics..lol...perks me right up!   I had to have a psych eval for my insurance and was asked questions like..."do you beleive anyone is controlling your thoughts"  Anyone else have a horrible urge to answer, why yes I think the aliens made me fat and are forcing me to eat?!  Must be my inner smart butt come out..lol
on 6/21/09 4:23 am - Rome, GA
Hahaha!I would say hell yeah ..... my thought are controlled by someone else:  "It's Barbie.... she's sedated on chocolate and can't get out"!!!! Snickers!!!!!!!


Starting:  370, Current: 198.5, Goal: 190


on 6/25/09 4:34 pm - OH
LOL!!    We are on the home stretch gang! 

I am already saving boxes to pack my fat clothes in!!  I have my stock pile of varied protein drinks, powders, and stuff and some nasty but necessary chewable vitamins.  Everybody else gettting ready?
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