June 16th
My date is also June 16th! I am on my 10th day of the clear liquid diet and I am doing very well. The first day of clear liquids was the hardest. I cried and got mad at the world but now my mind has caught up with me and I am mentally ready for my journey. I am getting really nervous, I have a pre-op appt. tomorrow with the doctor and hope all goes well. I'm so excited to have others along with me that understand the emotions of food.
Wow this is weird, I felt so alone with this pre opt diet tell I read this, my surgery date is June 16th too! I keep getting low blood sugar, and it's driving me crazy because I'm sticking to this exactly as written! I also feel like I'm not loosing enough, Surgery is on Tuesday and I have only lost 8 lbs, I'm afraid they wont say it's enough. In the notes it says they want you to lose 5 to 10 % of your body weight, for me that's 12.2 to 24.4, I'm praying I at least loose 12 by surgery date...oh and that's if they weigh me naked first thing in the morning!!!!!