JUNE 11 2009
Good luck to you on the 27th. I have to go for a pre-op appt. on the 3rd. Then the my big day is the 9th.
I'm getting alittle nervous but still really excited. Now ask me on the day of my surgery and probably will give you a different answer. I will probably be bitting my nails off. LOL!!!! Well good luck and hope to hear from you soon.


Oh good luck to you honey! And may GOD Bless you and keep you safe.
I am so excited!!!!!!!!!! Yet, at the same time I can't help but feel a little nervous.
I trust and believe in Father GOD so I know everything is going to be alright.
I'll pray for you please pray for me!
What are you doing to ger ready? Have you choosen a liquid vitamine/and calcium yet? And if so what are they?
Will you be takeing iron supplements? I believe I found everything on Puritan Pride discount vitamines. They have buy two get three free going on at really good prices.
Starting Weight- 394
Weight as of July 12, 2010- 270
I just got back today from seeing my NUT and I got my shakes for my 9 days. She told me to take a chewable form of multi and calcium. So thats what I have to do. I'm going tomarrow to search for those. Where do you get Puritan Pride? Everything is starting to seem so real now. Only 19 days left to start a brand new life WOOHOO!!!!!
And by the way thanks for the prayers I will need all I can get. I will still be in the hospital when you have yours done but just know I will be praying for you to have a safe and uneventful surgery. Talk to ya soon.


I searched all over for the right vitamines and protein. Alot of people that I talked to who have had the surgey states that it is very important to take your vitamines and protein. From what they say if you don't you will be tired alot and your hair will fall out.
They say that it's hard to get the vitamines and protein down after surgery so we need to find the best protein and vitamines. These are the best I have found and their in GNC:
Nature's Best Perfect Zero Carb Isopure protein powder. It comes in, Strawberries & Cream, Mango Peach , Mint Chocolate Chip , banana , and chocolate. It has 50 grams of protein per serving.
Nature's Best® Isopure Zero Carb - Liquid protein. Crystal clear Bottled They have
Blue Raspberry , Apple Melon, Mango Peach , and more. I just chose those.
And GNC Women's Ultra Mega® Maximum Nutrition Formula - Chocolate. It's vitamines in powder form.
All the information is on the web site. They are expensive.
They say that it's hard to get the vitamines and protein down after surgery so we need to find the best protein and vitamines. These are the best I have found and their in GNC:
Nature's Best Perfect Zero Carb Isopure protein powder. It comes in, Strawberries & Cream, Mango Peach , Mint Chocolate Chip , banana , and chocolate. It has 50 grams of protein per serving.
Nature's Best® Isopure Zero Carb - Liquid protein. Crystal clear Bottled They have
Blue Raspberry , Apple Melon, Mango Peach , and more. I just chose those.
And GNC Women's Ultra Mega® Maximum Nutrition Formula - Chocolate. It's vitamines in powder form.
All the information is on the web site. They are expensive.
Starting Weight- 394
Weight as of July 12, 2010- 270