Totally bummed out ... and ticked off!!
VSG on 03/26/14
Definitely - let's keep in touch! June 19th - woohoo!! I can totally relate to the excited/nervous part, geez!I am just starting my pre-op diet ... what kind of diet are you doing (shakes) and how is that working for you?
Applause to you for getting this far. It is a big decision! You can get through this extra time by focusing on getting healthier prior to surgery. Increase your water and protein, go for walks etc. You can do it! My surgery is finally going to be on June 10th. I was suppose to have it December of 2007 and then my husband was diagonised with terminal cancer and then passed away April 2008. I gave myself a year and was right back in the surgeon's office April 2009. I am starting my pre-surgery diet now. My doc said 2 weeks prior but I figure what the heck, start now. It took a lot to go ahead alone. We can do it my friend! We have a whole community here that understands and are here watching our backs! Good luck.
You will do fine. Just hang in there. I started my process for this last July. So after finishing all the 'requirements' from the insurance company. I got approved in the last week in April. My date is 6/15 as well. I know how you feel about being nervous. I get very nausous from anethesia. So that part im NOT looking forward to. We will be rooting for you. Practice your water intake for sure. Just be prepared..

I don't know if they can do this for bariatric surgery but my mom gets sick from anethesia so they give her this pill to take to prevent her from throwing up after it. I think I will look into it just in case. One of my fears is this happening and pulling out a staple.
Congrats on everyone's surgery date
Congrats on everyone's surgery date
Don't worry, your doc will most likely give you scripts for lots of nausea meds. I just filled my scripts and have 4 nausea meds. One of those is for a trans-dermal patch. I also read somewhere on OH that if you are nauseous to take a whiff of an alcohol swab and it will stop the nausea in its path. Don't know if it really works, but I thought I'd pass it on. BTW, my surgery is scheduled for 830am on June 9th. I can't wait!
I was gonna offer suppor and try to help reaffirm your decision, but since you specifically asked for LADIES, I guess I won't.
I too, am a teacher and my date is 6/19. I feel your pain, but just think about how sweet it will be going back to school in September and being down 25 or more pounds. WOO HOO!
I too, am a teacher and my date is 6/19. I feel your pain, but just think about how sweet it will be going back to school in September and being down 25 or more pounds. WOO HOO!