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Topic: RE: How much can you eat?
2 to 3 ounces (volume) of soft food three times a day with a goal of 45-60 grams of protein is what you should be striving for. This is the time when your really not hungrey and you can't tell. This is very normal. You have to have protein to heal, help with the coming hair loss and to lose weight. If you have to use a protein drink with at least 15 grams of protein and 5 grams or less carbs. If you really need to GNC carries protein bullets but don't do it all in one dose you can't absorb it all. The one brand has 42 or 45 grams of protein but divided it into threes. They look like large test tubes and come in a couple of flavors. It will be a while before you can tell if you are full so it is very important to learn how to measure your food just by eyeing it. Remember it is by volume not by weight example: 1 egg is 7 grams, peanut butter 2 TBS is 7 grams, 1 ounce of bologna or lunch meat is around 7 grams. Sometimes it seems like alot but when it is all chewed up it isn't. It will be months before your stomach heals and the nevers reconnect to tell you you are full so measure your food so you don't start stretching your pouch or make yourself sick! Good Luck.
Topic: How much can you eat?
Today I started my soft food diet. So far I have had two slices of chicken lunchmeat and I'd say an ounce of tunafish. Not at the same time, of course. Is this normal? I feel like I can't eat anymore so I am not going to force myself to eat. I've been on a full liquid diet for four weeks. I still can't gauge my fullness and I realize this is probably normal. Just wanted to know how much you newbies are able to eat.
Topic: Had surgery jun 30, 2008
New to posting here. I had surgery june 30th and am down 28lbs...I feel great and am getting in all my protein and fluids...
My husband had surgery on dec 3, 2007 and is down 130lbs...we both had over 200lbs to lose...
I had lost 50lbs before surgery over 2 years and then 30 lbs just prior to surgery. I am 108 lbs smaller than 2 years ago...I feel great but still cannot see the weight I've lost...I still have 168 lbs that I would like to lose...
I am wondering if any of you are freaked out by the disconnection of your brain and stomach...I am finding that my brain is still that of a fully eating fat person and my stomach for the first time in life is normal...
Topic: RE: 4 weeks post op and still vomiting/sour stomach
I did some extensive research and discovered that I have acid reflux!!! At first I settled it with meltaway pepcid ac doubled dose, twice a day and then turned to prilosec. I know exactly how you feel and I too wish I hadn't done it! Good luck sweetie, and thanks for responding to me. I feel like I am alone with this whole thing because there is no after the fact program for support or advice. If I can help, let me know.
Terry Morehouse
P.S. I've only started the prilosec, it is a 14 day program that is supposed to last 4 months. You really should start with the pepcid ac (maximum strength), that way your stomach will be somewhat settled and then you can get the pills down.
Topic: RE: :help: BC HMO in California!?
I live in Florida but my insurance is BC of CA. I went through the 6 mo. pre weight loss which was required by the insurance. Once my paperwork was submitted, I was approved in 2 days. Wishing you the best.
Topic: RE: Has anyone's Lap Band failed to work, so you had it removed & had the Gastric Bypass done instead??
Before I had my RNY, I really was debating on which WLS to do. I wanted at first to do lapband because it wasn't as permanent and could be reversed (for a pregnancy. etc). But then after visiting this board for a few months and hearing people's frustration with the band, I decided to do RNY. Yes, it is more permanent but it is the most successful and has been around for 30 years! And if you have a lot of weight to lose, the band will only let you lose a few pounds a month. I wanted my excess 130 lbs gone in a year and RNY was the only way to do it! The band is successful for a lot of people, but I've heard more bad experiences than good about it.
I would really research if you want to do the mini GB vs the RNY and then decide what you want to do. My Mom had the mini GB done by Dr Rutledge 5 yrs ago and suffered a lot of complications post op. That doctor we found out later had his license taken away in NC and had been sued several times for malpractice. So if you do the mini GB, don't go through that doctor!!!!
GL to you!
Topic: RE: Swimming
I had surgery on 6/12 and went to a public pool with my 2 kids last monday and am fine. You should be totally fine if your incisions look well healed.
Topic: RE: Stalling...already????
I went through the same stall, but at 2 weeks out. It lasted for two weeks and then I got on the scale one morning and FIVE pounds were gone! Now I've been on another two week stall again (since four weeks out) and only lost 3 lbs this time. So I'm thinking my body is just adjusting each time.
But I think of it this way, when have I ever lost 42 lbs in 6 weeks? lol It will get better and like someone else said, the scale isn't moving down, but you're still losing inches. I can totally tell I'm losing inches while on this plateau. You will lose weight though, you had weight loss surgery! I think to myself, I will be at goal this time next year. You didn't gain the weight overnight and you can't lose it all in a month or two. Your body slows down with weight loss after the initial 2 weeks and rapid weight loss. Totally normal.

Topic: RE: almost a whole month out.....
Hey we had surgery the same day and I am down 22lbs so I think your doing fine I'm not worried about my loss at this time .
Topic: RE: 4 weeks post op and still vomiting/sour stomach
I am 3 and 1/2 weeks post op and in the same situation. I can't even think about eating most of the time. I can't stomach any pills. My doctor recently switched me to all chewable and sublingual but they still make me want to heave. You're not alone. I started crying at the doctor's office on Thursday and told them I wish I had never had the surgery. I have a 3 year old and I have such guilt because most nights I just have to park her in front of the tv because I'm so sick I can't get off the couch.
I have to admit I've considered eating saltines (but I haven't) because I just feel so sick. This was worse than when I was pregnant. If you find anything that helps, please share!