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Topic: My date is the 18th!
I am having RNY gastric bypass on the 18th in Fresno, California. I am really starting to get nervous now. I'd love to hear from anybody else on or around the 18th.

Topic: RE: Surgery on June 25th ? Anyone else?
Thanks for the reply Stella. My BMI is 61. Not the highest, but I would like my procedure to be laproscopic. They feel the more I can take off before surgery the better. I am game. I only have enough time to take 3 weeks off at the most, so I would rather not have an open RNY. This is almost two years coming. I want to be ready. You're right. We can do it!
Topic: RE: Starting to get nervous....anyone else???
I'm so glad to hear that other people are second guessing themselves, too. My date is the 18th of this month and I have really been getting nervous about my decision. I know that I have researched it extensively and that I am making a good choice, but I am terrified.
Good luck!

Topic: RE: Surgery on June 25th ? Anyone else?
Hi Marilyn, my surgery is the day before yours. Why the two weeks of liquid diet before the surgery? I have to drink low carb Slim Fast for 5 days prior, only liquids, no solids food. Two weeks seems like a long time.....But we can do it!! Stella
Topic: Heart Murmer/Englarged Heart
I was wondering if anyone out there could help me with this.....
I have recently found out that I have a heart murmer and enlarged heart.....Complete surprise when I found out.....Does anyone else have this, and has/had it stopped you from having WLS? I will be having the lap-band procedure...
Thank you so much!!!!!

M K.
on 6/4/08 3:51 am
on 6/4/08 3:51 am
Topic: RE: June 26th will be a great day!
Mine is also the 26th, in Federal Way Washington. I am excited and scared

Topic: RE: Surgery June 23!!!!!!!!!!1
I live in MN but it'll be nice to have someone close to the same point in the process that I am. I start my 2wk liquid diet on Monday the 9th. I'm hoping it's not as challenging as I think it will be!
Topic: RE: lap band fills
I just called the bariatric center I go to this am and was told they are between $60.-$65.00 a fill. I am in Maine.
They also bill the insurance first and then you any difference.
I guess for once Maine is cheaper on something.

(deactivated member)
on 6/3/08 11:49 pm
on 6/3/08 11:49 pm
Topic: RE: Surgery June 23!!!!!!!!!!1
Dawn, my suregery is that day too! I know the feeling about being excited and scared at the same time. Where do you live? I live near Chicago......Hope we can talk again....I'll add you to my friend list...if you want to email [email protected]
Topic: RE: JUNE 4TH ! ! !
Today is the day! I'm sure everything will be fine. I'll be thinking of you.
Take care and get ready for the journey!