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Topic: Three Year Anniversary June 6th
How time flys by. It seems almost like Yesterday.
I have accomplished 3 Milestones.
1. I have lost a total of 303 pounds.
2. I have had the skin removed and my arms done.
3. The Biggest was On April 9th 2008 I had Brain Surgery. I had the part of my brain removed that caused my Epilepsy. Thank God so far so good. I am crossing my fingers and toes. All my life I have had Epilepsy. So June 9th will be 2 months seizure free.
I thank God everyday.
If anyone wants to check out there I have my weight loss journey photos of what I look like today.
If anyone just needs support or help I am here to help you.
Take Care,
Topic: RE: Surgery on June 25th ? Anyone else?
hi marilyn, mine is on the 25th to I can't wait I have been doing this for two years . I'm getting really exicited and scarred at the same time good luck to you it will go by quick.
Topic: RE: June 26th will be a great day!
mine is the 25th but i,ll share the day with you. I'm in rochester ny where are you
Topic: RE: Surgery on June 25th ? Anyone else?
My surgery date is June 30th. Whew! I am scared, excited and I don't know what else. Been real angry lately and eating everything in sight. I only have to do a liquid diet 24hours pre op. Is this normal. I see you guys do it 2-3 weeks. I want to have the best outcome, so any input would be great! Thanks and good luck to you having surgery the 24th and 25th.
Topic: Banded on 6-3-08
It's only been two days. I feel so overwhelmed and questioning my decision. Someone please tell me this is normal at this stage. I would love to chat with anyone.
Topic: RE: Liquid Protein Diet starts Tuesday!!!
I hear the protein drinks are more bearable if they are really cold. I will be cleaning out my pantry this weekend. I asked my husband to try to eat before he gets home for the first few days of my Pre-op diet. This made him happy.
I am sorry to hear you were sick the first day. The hamburger only sounds good in your head. Think of it as an obstacle to what you want to accomplish. You can do it.
Topic: RE: Liquid Protein Diet starts Tuesday!!!
I just started my liquid diet on Monday. Monday was awful! My surgeon's protocol for the diet is 3 slim fasts a day, and then unlimited chicken broth, sugar free popsicles, diet drinks. 8-10 eight ounce glasses of water a day. The water has been difficult for me to get in. Monday was bad. My sugar went high after the slimfast and then crashed leaving me feeling bad, THEN I got a migraine around 10 am. I was puking my guts up. AWFUL~!! I was about to give up after just one day! But thankfully, the rest of the week has went well, I'm not getting as hungry. Still had headaches, but not bad ones. I won't say that I wouldn't love a hamburger though......

Topic: RE: abrandnewme
That is my surgery date also for a lap band.
Please tell me what is the lap RNY, maybe I have heard it but dont remember.
Thought I knew them
Wishing the best and will be thinking of you on Tuesday, I am scheduled to be at the surgery center at 6am and surgery at 730am.
Take care and will be praying for a speedy recovery for you!

Topic: RE: Hollyface update
Thank you for the update!!
Sorry to hear you are having terrible weather
I am sure Holly with give it a good fight
She is in our thoughts and prayers!!
Take care and will look for your update tomorrow.
Hope the storms are gone for awhile.
God Bless,

Topic: Journaling questions
I hear people talking about journaling. I think I have the basics, but would love everyones ideas what they put in their journals.
What they find is important. I am trying to keep one now before I have surgery so I will be better at it after surgery.
How big or little do you use, do you write your exercise info in there also, do you bring it with you during the day.
Not trying to sound dumb, just curious how others do it.
Wishing everyone the best with their up coming surgeries and speedy recoveries!
Thank you,